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I don't know about handmaiden, but I know you get close to Visas when you piss Handmaiden off to the point where she doesn't wanna talk to you. Then, when you find out who the 3rd Sith Lord is, she comes to you and you have a discussion, I turned her away everytime. I can't watch my girlfriend keep running into a goddamn wall because she can't see where she's going. Im a jedi, not a dog.


I doubt Visas runs into walls so im sure that is not a problem should your character in the game wanna get with her. Jedi/Sith dont need eyes anyways, they got the force and obviously Visas can see that way, its just not in the same way that you and I would see but she can still manage and besides shes probably been like that her whole life so like shes probably used to it and anyways very few people who cant see actually bump into things all the time, thats just a stereotype from people who see.

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I always think that KOTOR just wouldn't be the same without the romanceable bits (well, for KOTOR I anyway), but one thing that annoys me, is that there isn't any physical things that happen between them. (Now, I don't want things to go too far and out of hand, but....) At the end of KOTOR II, the closest you get is when you and Visas

'look upon each other. damn it your using the Force-look thing, what the heck is that about???



I mean, c'mon, they could at least kiss or something. Espcially Revan and Bastila (if you were male and decided things were like that in KOTOR I that is...)

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Right. Romance is sometimes nothing without showing it (I don't mean the extreme "thing", I mean kissing).


"on the light side after you have both visas and mira handmadian will talk to visas telling her not to hurt the exile. then a bit after she talks to mira and mira pretty much tells her how to get a man with some paralizing darts. from then on you can firgure it out yourself. "


Sounds great to me. I really need to ses that:

Ryan Pano (Pierce Brosnan) gets paralized by the Handmaiden to manipulate him. LOL!

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I don´t think being DS makes much of a difference, it didn´t for me, for any of the girls. I have to say that it clearly feels that romances were left unfinished aswell, as it would make sense to have something more solid towards the end of the story.

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What is the deal with Jedi's? They are allowed to have intercourse, but not have relationships or marriage?

Attachment is forbidden, Marriage is an attachment so it is a no-no...


Intercourse is fun yes, but it also serves life, and the light side of the force... so it is indeed a LS act and within the scope of the Jedi (Methinks this is why ED is so against it... :lol:)


But relationships are certainly not forbidden, if they were then the Jedi would not even function on it's basic levels, and every master and padawan are guilty of having a form of relationship. While it would not be akin to a romatic relationship, the master/padawan relationship is still an emotional one, much like you would have with your sibling(s). You could see this between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, and later with Obi-Wan and Aniken... especially during their Mustafar duel.


Jedi are celibate yes, but they are not required by their rules to be chaste! :D


Celibate=Vow to never get married.

Chaste=Vow to never have intercourse.


"Touch me not, for I am chaste!" -Paladin from Warcraft III

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Perhaps, in a new Jedi Council, formed by the Exile and his padawans (Mira, Brianna, Bao Dur, Atton and Visas)- Force Users would be required to mate and have offspring in order to ensure future generations of powerful force users. Otherwise, prospective jedi's would just be some kids found somewhere with force sensitivity.

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The whole "Jedi can't marry, Jedi can't be emotionally attached" credo is only as old as Yoda, from what I've heard. In KOTOR1 the rules are the same, but post-KOTOR2, with the new Order, things might be different.
A little bit longer than Yoda. I believe it was after the Battle of Ruusan, which was about 1000 BBY.
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no, not possible, unless you use a mod (not sure if one has been released for TSL) or change your gender with KSE :



I used the KSE to change my gender but was not able to do anything more with visa at the end of the ravager sequence... Perhaps it needs the Handmaiden....


Anyway, what kotor understand if I choose both sex (or none)? which party member wil be added? Are you able to romance both sex or none?


(subsidiary question : I also change to light side with kse in order to get access to prestige class, but nothing happened. Is that because you have to pass a given value during the play?)

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