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[Spoiler] Korriban Tomb


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Haven't seen anyone mention this, but something bugged me when I went through the game, thought I would share it to see if anyone else noticed.



It kind of bugged me finding the Jedi Malak and Darth Revan models in the tomb, it made sense, but for some reason I didn't think we should have fought these characters. Perhaps just a meaningful conversation instead. I understand why these models are here, but to me it just seemed like they were stuck in at the last minute.



And now for modders and mod-downloaders:



I already mentioned fighting Darth Revan. Now what bugged me the most: His cape is still made of cardboard! Still no animations! What's more, during the fight, Revan uses two lightsabers. Hmm, I don't remember Darth Revan using two lightsabers in any of the flashbacks in KOTOR I, why would he in KOTOR II flashbacks? Maybe 'cause the dual saber animations in KOTOR II do the best job of masking the cape issue? So it seems to me that this problem was noted, but no one fixed it. Hopefully the PC version will have this fixed, I know they were kind of rushed, but that seems like one of the first "minor" fixes to make, since it was an issue for us in KOTOR I.



Just had to get that off my chest. Again, I'm not trying to insult Obsidian or anything, and usually I can ignore minor bugs in a game, but after modding and playing with this model over in Holowan, this bug was enough to make me drop the controller for a second or two.

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I have to agree with you. Although I noticed this the third time I played the game, I was still very surprised that Obsidian was too lazy just to have the cape be REAL! THey managed to do that with the robes and Nihilus's cape, but why not that one? At least the force powers come out of the hands, though.



And just why did the revan illusion use a purple and red saber? PURPLE?!? Dark Lords of the sith use RED lightsabers. Speaking of which, It would have been a better touch if the revan illusion was using a double-bladed red saber. (That's what I used in KOTOR 1 and 2.)



I posted a topic about this in Holowan, but it got locked. :(

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Ok...after further review:



I think the trigger b/w DS and LS ending has alot to do with whether or not you decide to kill the Jedi Masters when you encounter them. I did the planets in this order, Nar Shaada, Korriban, Dantooine, and Dxun/Olderan. I had saved game points near the end of Olderan and Dantoinne and in going back and playing them, in either case there was no dialogue option to kill the Jedi. Being that you dont have a choice on Korriban since the Jedi there is already dead, the ending of the game may be triggered to if you decide to kill that first Jedi Master when you encounter them. I am going back now to try and do that, and see if it alters anything.


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It isn't that, because I unknowingly tested it when I played;


It is the Prestiege Class you choose, because with all three of the Sith Classes, I let the Jedi Masters Live, met them on Dantooine, and even let them try to strip the Force from me, before Krea stepped in, and I still got the DS ending.


Likewise with the 3 Jedi Classes I killed the Masters, and I still got the LS ending.


The Jedi Masters aren't a factor of the ending, the Prestiege Class you select is the likeliest culprit.



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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

Personally, I think that to add a better touch to that tomb:



Delete Revan out of the tomb entirely. Right behind Revan was an image of the PC, only DS. A better idea might be to have the PC fight him or herself instead of Revan. Just my thought.


Good idea, that would be much better, but wait, then where would we ever see revan? I'm sure a lot of people would get pissed if he wasn't in the game at all.

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