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Super Strength- Dark Side Hanharr...check out this glitch


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When you have a moderately high influence with Hanharr ask him "Why do you follow me?" then ask him "Does that mean you serve me?" follow that with "The debt you mentioned...", then follow with the answers at the top and you should fail the first infuence check but pass the second and break him into your service, he gains 2 strength and loses 2 intelligence, repeat this as many times as you like, when his strenth reaches around 100 his intelligence cycles back around and ends up at 200, making his repair, computer, security, & security have a 100 bonus

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hanharr is GODLY. He's like a Sith Marauder that can cut through energy shields. Absolutely invaluable character, especially for a Sith Lord. You have to invest in some good melee weapons to make him effective, but with Mastered 2xweapon and Master Flurry, evil wookie = melee carnage.


Ed. Also... Mira becomes a sentinel, and Atton is much more effective than her because of his battle abilities... unless you're going Guardian, Hanharr is more effective in almost every way.



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