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Favorite Star wars quotes!

Guest IshallTakethemyself

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Guest IshallTakethemyself

What's your fav.? mine is


1.your lack of faith is disturbing-ANH

2. you fly that thing? your braver than i thought.-ANH

3. Apology excepted captain Needa.-ESB

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Guest IshallTakethemyself

Just trying this out.



Chewie lock in the auxilary power....chewie lock in the auxilary power!

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Guest IshallTakethemyself

is that one better or is this one




what a piece of junk!

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Guest IshallTakethemyself

or this one!




you don't have to do this to impress me.

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Guest Rogue15

you can check other people's profiles with r2, and with c3po, you can reply with a quote to what someone said. I like "What a piece of junk!"

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well, for this thread i am going to go with comedy lines from each movie

Where did you dig up that old fossil?


-Han Solo ANH

How typical!



It is against my programming to impersinate a Diety.


-C3PO, RotJ



Anakin Skywalker TPM

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How about,


Shut your mouth kid or you will find yourself floating home.


Traveling through hyperspace or playing XWA isn't like dusting crops boy.



My Dream, to fly a starfighter and destroy Imperial ships.

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Guest Fondas

Han: Chewie, try to keep your distanxe but don't look like you try to keep your distance...


Chewie: Wraaaaaagllllll ????!!!!


Han: I don't know , fly casual ! eyemouth.gif



"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"



[This message has been edited by Fondas (edited March 08, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9

"You may fire when Ready Commander" -- Tarkin



Leader of 3 Flight

IAN_CDT_Rogue9, RA_Rogue9

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Guest tie_ace666999

In my opinion the best line was from Return of the Jedi when Green leader(A-Wing) is spinning out of control towards the Executor


Admiral Piett-Intensifify all forward firing batteries!!!!!!!!!!!


Bridge Officer- Too late!!!!!!!


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MOST MOST humorous:


HAN: Well, if they follow standard Imperial procedure, they'll dump

their garbage before they go to light-speed, then we just float away.


LEIA: With the rest of the garbage.




Ooh...I thought they smelled

bad on the outside!


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Guest emupiett

Hey tie_ace, that's not exactly what he said. This is how it goes:


Bridge Officer: Sir, we've lost our bridge deflector shield.


Piett: Intensify the forward batteries, I don't want anything to get through!


*They see the A-Wing heading straight for the m.*


Piett: (see signature)


Bridge officer: Too late.


A-Wing pilot (forgot name): AHHHHHHH!


*A-Wing comes crashing through window.*


Piett and Bridge Officer: AHHHHHHHHH!


*SSD Executor comes crashing down into the DSII.*



"Intensify forward firepower!!"

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Guest Expert Rookie

Here's mine...



"Good, our first catch of the day."

-Captain of the ISD Tyrant, seen in the Empire Strikes Back

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Guest Expert Rookie

Hey, the A-wing pilot (Crynyd) who crashed into the SSD Executor also was seen in the Empire Strikes Back saying, "Two fighters against a Star Destroyer?" in the Hoth mission.

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Calrissian during Battle of Endor :

"That was TOO close !"

Funny because he should never have lived to make that comment.....


Other favourite :

Han in ANH during detention block sequence, spurring on Chewbacca :

"I dont care what it smells like, just get in there !"

So easy to twist



Nova Squadron, the Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the Nebulon B Frigate 'Oracle', home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - SSDs (See our work with the Iron Fist !) !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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Guest amidalarocks

Here is mine.



'I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss

this invasion in a commitee' amidala.gif

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