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The Ending


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Since Lucasarts left an open ending and aren't Making a mission pack.I think anyone who replies to this should make up their own ending. Whaddaya think?


Here's mine.



Ace will do a covert spying mission on a pirate guild to Find uncle Antan is leading it. After being captured, Antan reveals he wanted total controll of the buisness. Ace escapes when the Pirate bace is attacked and get's into a YT-2000. Antan hypers away in the Big Score. Ace follows him and duels him in an asteroid field and wins.

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Guest emupiett

I think thats kinda cool, but It would be cool if the Imps were involved.


Ace wants to find out more about Antan, so he has Aeron hack into an Imperial computer. They find out that he was actually an Imperial officer the whole time, and wanted to wipe out the familiy business so no one would interfere with the Imps. Ace then tries to capture Antan, but is forced to kill him when he (Antan) escapes.



"Intensify forward firepower!!"

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Actaully i dont think he was a Officer, he didn't want the Family to get invovled becasue he was making arrangemnts to join the winning side (as he saw it) after the defeat on Hoth, the Rebels were scattered (again) and he made arragemtns to Side with the Empire. Maybe get a cooshy job being a Liason to mercenaries in the area, or Smugglers.


having Aeron slice into an Imperial computer to find the whereabouts of Antan. Maybe doing a Cargo transher to a ISD, and ahve Aeron Sneak on in a container, and escape in a E-Pod you have to pick up, while dodging a fihgting off fighters who caught on.


Next missions would be following a lead to a pirate base. Aeron or Em-kay carry on a conversation while the pirates have repairs made to their ships (lets say in a asteroid) and then Imp forces pop in waving thier flag, catch you between pirates, and Imps. Disable a Trasnport to pick up the leader.


Next missiosn would be a scrable at the azzamean base. Pirates are attacking it, You (in the Otana) Emon (in the Andrasta) Aeron (in a Transport) fight off the Pirates. Pirate boss escapes by disabling the station and leaving in a stolen COrt.


um.... need to think some more.. brain is farting

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Guest Expert Rookie

Here's mine...


After the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker recongnizes Ace's skill and takes Ace into Rogue squadron. After that, Ace leads Rogue Squadron, the Sabra, and the Andrasta into a dangerous mission to find the whereabouts of Uncle Antan. They take the captured and renamed ISD Liberator along with them and sneak into the middle of an Imperial base where Aeron hacks the base's computer to find Antan. They figured out that Antan went to the Unknown Regions. They also stumble onto information that deals with a new type of star destroyer, the Eclipse.


And that's just Mission 1.

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Guest Rogue 9

Actually luke was still the commander of the Rogue's if you listen to the call signs in ROTJ you discover that it is Red Squadron attacking in X-Wings

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Guest AEBJedi

If you remember right that Luke quit Rouge Squadron. Red squadron was just red squeadron with some Rouge Pilots, others were the B-Wings, Y-Wings, ect. Hope this clears things up a bit.

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Red Squad is rogue squadron, the colors on the fighters are the same further more Rogue squad was formed from the old Red squad that survived the Death Star run in ANH. If you look at the X-wing series when Rogue squad returns to the New Republic the fonny squad takes on the call signs Red Squadron which is also reserved for the Rougues. And K_k if you look at a Truce at Bakura on page 3 Luke says Rogue Leader....(lauchning something like that). It was after Bakura that Luke leaves Rogue Squadron and retires from active duty.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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And i would like to point out to you Admiral that "Truce at Bakura" is not canon, and CAN be false


Luke had an X-wing in RotJ that did not have the 5 stripes like he did in ESB. Even tho Luke was in charge of Rogue squad during the battle of Hoth. Right from ESB luke took a 2nd X-wing, and never did ANYTHING with rogue squad. (Opinion) Yet there is a period of at most a year, when Rogue squad is still fighting (they are the Elites of the Allaince)


Therefor, using conjecture from the movies.. Luke has nothing to do with Rogue Squad. Luke came onto the Rebel Crusier wearing Black, when all the pilots were in fighter fatigues. He was no longer a Rebel pilot, and therefore not Rogue Leader. Some one had to take charge, an the obvious choice is Wedge.

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Guest Expert Rookie

SW Games on N64 have horrible conflicting storylines though...




In the book Shadows of the Empire{/i}, after Luke and the Bothan y-wing squadron intercept the SOB Suprosa (This is a XWA mission), Lando, Chewie, Dash Render (in the Outrider, and Leia along with Rogue Squadron attack Xizor's palace. The palace is a dang big space station, 'bout 50 miles in diameter. (In the N64 game, Shadows of the Empire, Dash Rendar dies when he flies out of Xizor's palace ????? confused.gif???). In the book, the Executor shows up, destroys Xizor's fighter squadrons with TIEs (WITHOUT harming any Rebel fighters, then the Executor's {b]SUPERLASER{/b]???? (Never before has the Executor been mentioned having a superlaser equipped) destroys Xizor's palace and parts of the palace fly in to Rendar's Outrider killing Rendar and destroying the Outrider (which stuns Lando)





"Good, our first catch of the day."

-Captain of the ISD Tyrant, seen in the Empire Strikes Back

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Don't forget that Dash Rendar makes an appearance in the last issue of Star Wars : Evolution, and since that was written Steve Perry (who wrote the Shadows of the Empire novel) this is a pretty good indication that he survived.

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Originally posted by K_Kinnison:

And i would like to point out to you Admiral that "Truce at Bakura" is not canon, and CAN be false


I know that it can be false but, I would have to disagree with you on that K_k, immediatly after Hoth Luke jumps to Dagoabah, giving him no time to resign his commision, or give command to Wedge. From that point with the movies things move to the battle of Endor, he does enter wearing black but that doesn't prove anything he simple could not had time to change, or he knew he would join the ground mission. That leaves Rogue 2 (Wedge) in charge during the battle of Endor. Also Lukes x-wing I think would have different amount of stripes because if I'm correct they signify which rank you are, Wedge being Red 2 had 2 strips, Biggs Red three had 3 stipes, Luke having 5 strips until he becomes lead taking the number down to one strip. With the non-canon stuff Luke was in charge of the battle group so Wedge once again was in charge of Rouge Squad. After that battle Luke resigned and then Wedge took control. So your point about Rogue squad fighting after Endor with out Luke basically said my point, he resigned following Bakura whiched immediately followed Endor.


So I that is my belief, and I doubt you or anyone could change this since the movies do not say when he left Rogue Squadron. However I think we can agree that Luke resigned his position as Rogue Leader In, and around the Battle of Endor, whether it was before or after, I don't really think can be proven since any one can agrue different points. With out the movies saying so you could just say Luke was on a leave of absence hence not wearing the flight suit and such....you just can't prove it based on canon since the movies didn't say he even left the squadron, maybe in episode 7 he still is with them. Who knows.




"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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