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Dead Like Me

El Virus

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I saw about 2 episodes of it, and it looks pretty good although I'm reliably informed from my SFX magazines it's gone down hill a bit of late.


I don't know too much about the GF resemblance though - whilst there is the idea of dead people being reapers it's done very differently to GF.

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Yes, Dead Like Me is a great show. Your magazine is lying, because I don't think it even really reached its peak until about the the last half of the second season.


I still, currently, have a beef with Showtime for deciding not to bring it back. Maybe if we all send them our hatemail......


There is very little similarity between that series and Grim Fandango. In fact, its closer to "On a Pale Horse".

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:confused:Well I don't know, the reaper thing and all...Actually, it's true there's no resemblance.

Seriously, I believe that in the show, the people who didn't act well in life end up as reapers. In GF, people like Manny, who apparently didn't act well, end up as Reapers/Travel agents. Get my point?

It's a great show, but accroding to Sony Channel in my country, they gave the Last Episode a week ago. It's a shame it ended, it had a n ice story.

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The character development in the second season just amazed me. Daisy went from being my least favorite character to my favorite character.


There is not one good show on right now. Three brilliant shows cancelled last year: Angel, Touching Evil, Dead Like Me. Replaced with what? Huff? Lost? Two very overrated shows.

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Georgia Lass, after dropping out of college and getting a job, gets smushed by a toilet seat that fell from space. She is forced to become a "reaper" with a gang of reaper friends, and they are given postits with someone's name and estimated time of death, they must seek them out and take their soul before they die. It's a really great show, and has less in common with grim than you'd think. It just got cancelled after two seasons.

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It's a sort of satire about death. It's a great show, or at least was, you should see it if you have the chance.

Rube was my favourite, I think he was the most mysterious one, however George, Daisy & Mason ar not bad either.

I though the show was made to have 2 seasons, I didn't pass through my mind that it could be cancelled, such a shame:( (Well that's the capitalist world we live in, shows that are intelligent and have smart & sarcastic humour are removed from the air, and replaced by stupid overrated shows)




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