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Who's had the patience?

Emperor Devon

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well my sith maurader I used this glitch for, I was about 23 and walked away lvl35, just wanted to get the feats and force powers I wanted. Killing the hississ isnt that hard with a saber but it does take awhile (lil bit of master fury, master force speed, and my custom saber) It is rather funny to force storm the whole room because it gets real slow and laggy from all the hississ (sometimes there is just a ball of lighting floating above my head after shocking 30+ hississ to death)

I have not had the patieance to get to lvl50 yet nor do I think I ever well, I just use the glitch to get what I want for my final character (since I always go to korriban last) also using force storm aint so bad as light, ya just gotta have some high charaisma

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I have a thompson(sp?) drive so I couldn't get away with spawning more than 20 or so at a time. :(



While low level, I'd switch on master force body and alternate between drain life and force storm, with master drain force thrown in now and then.


At the higher levels I'd just use force storm and occassionally master drain force.

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For my lightsider Jedi Master, I just absolutely refuse to use Force Storm. It's so...un-Jedi-like.

So Force Wave is the way to go. It takes twice as long but, oh well.

Such is the way of the Jedi Master. :ben:

But when I used a Sith Lord... :lightning

No hesitation. :dev11:

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Heh, I fought em with my sabers when I used my Lightside Weaponmaster. Just used my precious force points to heal myself with, which wasnt very often due to the efficiency of the weaponmasters Melee ability. Took too long anyways, so I moved on as soon as I hit 30.


I think Sith Lord was my highest character at 42 or 43 simply because I lost track of what level I was while in that tomb. I should have left at 30 again for a better comparison.

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