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Modeling Question


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I don't know if this is the right place to ask *, with the addition of all the new forums and such, sorry if it isn't. Anyway, I've just been tinkering in gmax, making some new lightsaber hilts and I've been trying to make a curved one, anyway I was wondering if there was an easy way to connect the face of one Ngon to the face of another, to make a smooth transition from one Ngon to the next, because so far I have just been trying to drag vertexes and putting them near the other face.... yea yea yea, stop laughing I've never modeled anything before, not even plastic models with glue...LOL. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



* this is indeed the right place to ask :) Just to clear things up: only moderators & admins can post in the tutorial forums. If you want to discuss a tutorial, then just start a thread like this one - Darth333-

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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

I did too when my first model ended up being 27 pieces.... With some advice from svosh I redid said model in about 1/4 of the time it originally took me, in two pieces.


What we do with out svösh :)



Is it possible to make a curved hilt look, just using one piece?


Yes it is. Here is an example of what a simple single piece ngon can turn into one piece. ALWAYS

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Sweet T7, Now I'm reading cchargin's replacer tutorial, and I'm a little confused, so just a few questions....


The hilt model we want to unlink, is originally named: lshandle01, or similar correct?


Where do I find the "parent" of the original hilt?


And how do you get the Ngon to bend smoothly like that T7?

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Many extrudes , and then shape it by moving the verts. It can take a bit of time to get it to look the way you want but it is the best way to do it.


The hilt model we want to unlink, is originally named: lshandle01, or similar correct?


Yes. Just select the old hilt and hit the unlink button(don't worry about it parent). Now to link your hilt, select your model hit the linker button and link your model to the animation dummy (its the blue box to the side of the blades mesh.

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Here is a W.I.P. look at the model, I am going to be testing this in game and if it works then all that is left to do is add the details(which I'll probably need help with), and texture it (probably need help with this too).




UPDATE: the basic model works in-game HORRAY, I'll start working (asking for help) on details later on tonight or tommorrow, thanks for all the help so far T7

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For the button, I either use a boolean and extrude or make a new 6 sided ngon with the box Auto Grid checked. Then make 1 extrude, convert it to edit mesh and attach this new piece to the rest of the model.


Personaly I prefer using a boolean and extrude, but for a small piece like this its easyer to just attach a new object. :)

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Originally posted by maverick187

ummm I got a slight problem.....


Didn't happen the first time....


in case you can't tell, the lightsaber is ignited in mid-air...... because the hilt is invisibly attached to his forearm?

Did you reset your saber's pivot points to match the old hit and then resetXform, before linking to the old hilt's parent (blue box)?


I wound up just positioning my model to "lay over" the old hilt (make sure it's aligned in all the windows - Top, Left, Perspective, etc.), and then doing steps #7 - #11 of cchargin's replacer tuorial...

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Ahhhh, I see I think I may have linked the saber to the old parent before I reset the pivots points and hit resetXform, thanks ChAiNz.2da, just fix this problem, skin and texture the sucker, and my first model ever and mod in a long time will be released, which will leaveme with only the task of practicing to make better models in the future..... well first I need to finish this one, thanks again..... I feel like I did when I first learned to mod in May last year....lol

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Well it all depends T7, I will definetly buy TSL and will probably mod a little bit, but if I get accepted to the college of my choice I probably wont have the time to do any extensive mods, but thats a different story. ;)

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No, You do not want to detach every poly that would take forever. What you want to do is look at your model and decide which parts will need more detail and you section it up accordenly. Maybe svösh will pop in and give you professional advice.


Here is an example of the uvmap I made for Obi wan hilt Now if you look at how the map is laid out you ca see the way I grouped the polys. Each of those sections in the UVmap must be physically detached to element on the model in edit mesh mode.

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WOW, that looks a lot more complicated then the stupid box skin job I did in the tutorial...lol, I guess I'll give it a whirl this weekend and see what I come up with, I've skin 3 or 4 boxes so I'm gonna take the rest of the night off, and pick it up tomorrow probably, thanks for the help T7, oh so about how many poly's did you have to detach and map for that saber?

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At the time that model was around 1800 polys but then I did a personal sanity check and reduced it by half. So I actually mapped that model twice, but that one was easy I just used cylinder in UVmapping and then applied UVW unwrap so it was pretty flat in the uv editor.


Its really all a learning proccess, if you get stuck just keep at it and it will all flow together eventually.

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Basically split it up in logical chunks stuff that can be mapped safely as one go for it. But things like a button switch box or a belt clip you should detach all sides so the mapping won’t be cheap. what I mean is some times in games there is one side of an object not intended to have it’s polys mapped the same as just around the corner a good example I have see in most games is the back side of a sword the thin back side most often is mapped with the pixels from the side of the blade making the back side not so attractive depending on the texture some time you would never know. Often in a FPS game and the effect you get is like a stretched or smeared texture on the ploys that should be mapped correctly.


t7's hilt uv is a perfect example you can see the ploys and how he has parts separated logically to allow the texture the best way to be mapped.


hope all this helps :)



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Okay I got my model, looking how I wanted it, but I tried to uvw map it and skin it and I got nothing, I need a little help, here is a picture of the model in gmax, I need some help with everything though, basically what I tried was detaching the polys of the hilt that I labeled as being a "specific", and I tried some cylinder uvw wraps, but I tried to skin it and when I put it back in gmax I just got that white looking color.

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