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Truly... I must have missed somthing...


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Truly, surly, after sooo long.. so much... tell me it cant be all.. tell me I did not just waste my time...


Light side ending? WTF? Tell me its more... More than a the Ebon Hawk floating away and the old woman just "telling" you what will happen...


I swore to god, if that all there is I will be posting a video of me burning my game I and I will never ever support this developer again... I love this game so much... Truly I must be missing something or did something wrong... Please.. help me. My head actually hurts I am so pissed off.



What happen to G0-T0 that confronted the little remote and said he would not let him actavate that shadow thing.... what the HELL does it do anyway? what about the spunky Mira left walking the planet? what about ANYTHING!!!



My god... it better not be all... It must be a glitch... it must be.

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The story seems terribly bloated and not finished the first playthrough.


After I played it a time or two more I was able to collect many more of the story pieces throughout the game. It's actually a pretty good story once you get enough parts of it. Kinda sucks how Obsidian did that. :/

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I loved the story line, I was very careful to get to know each person and droid of my own will. I did not use any guides or hints. I just played as I thought I should.. and caught on to what was happening with the influence system.


The acting and dialog was amazing, the story line was good... its only the ending that left me confused and empty.



Like at the end... does not say why, when you kill the old woman, you do not die.. it did not say the force bond was broken.. but yet, you fight her, and she dies with no effect to you.. I believe I went thru all the dialog, and yet found no answers...


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I agree with Boba. I enjoyed this game much more on my second and 3rd playthroughs.


Concerning G0-To and Remote: if you go LS, Remote wins and Malachor explodes. If you go DS, G0-T0 wins. It's not expressely mentionned but if you play both sides, you can figure it out.



now, concerning the force bond,

the Jedi Masters mention to you that this bond doesn't seem to be natural. I believe it is Kreia who used one of her "force techniques" to force you to do and go where she wants.


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figure it out? what a stupid thing. I am sorry, but so much time and effort on acting, and dialog... to leave it like that?



I would sure like to see how the little remote with a 1-4 survival pistol wins.. yep... sure is allot I would like to know.. not just.. say.. oh... proly went down like this..



Anyway.. with the hours I work, and the time that I DONT have to spend on games... this was truly a disappointment in many ways. If I get laid-off from work perhaps I will give it another shot.. but, I think most likely it will see Ebay ASAP... I will spare it the torch.. but, it was so disappointing.

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concerning Go-To...

If you got the cut scene, Bao-Dur was making some adjustments to his remote, making it a little better at combat. GoTo appoaches and asks Bao-Dur to see if there is anything he can upgrade on him as well. It could be that Bao-Dur installed a mechanism on Go-To that his remote could exploit if needed. Remember he said to his remote, "You can keep GOTO inline with it." That could be why the Remote wins and the Generator was activated for LS endings.



If you want to read a few of our own assessments of the storyline, check this thread.Story Help


Its full of spoilers, so only read it if you really want to. Alot of people had questions regarding the storyline at the end. But as others have said, playing it through a couple times will help you understand more of the plot.

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The remote doesnt beat GO-TO in the LS. GO-TO stops the remote from activating the shadow thingy because he wants to wait and see if the Exile wants Malachor V destroyed (LS) or if he intends to use the planet and I the Sith there(DS). Remeber GO-TO doesnt care if the sith or the jedi come out on top he just wants the republic to survive.

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I think that's just one of the many silly cutscenes onboard the Ebon Hawk to show just how well your crew gets along. Like with the T3 zapping HK bit.



Originally posted by Darth333

now, concerning the force bond,



the Jedi Masters mention to you that this bond doesn't seem to be natural. I believe it is Kreia who used one of her "force techniques" to force you to do and go where she wants.



Actually, I still firmly believe that was just (yet another) lie to force you to follow you, but I guess that's the same idea.


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