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Gamespy PC Review disappointing?.


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Hi all, first time poster, even though i read these forums often!, Love KOTOR, must of went through it 15 odd times...I would like to apologize if this post has been done before, i havnt seen one, anyways the post:


Im here making this post because im curious what you all think. First heres the gamespy sithlords pc review: http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-2/585574p1.html


I got alittle grugde to say first, is how the hell did the X-Box version get a higher score than the PC review?, i believe the

X-Box got 4.5 stars, and the PC review 4 stars???..


Also im alittle worried about what was said on the "Pros and Cons Comments",

Pros: Great storyline; wonderful dialogue; compelling characters. Cons: Poor AI; too many bugs; graphics feel a little dated.


It made me feel like the PC version was rushed, and seems ridled with bugs.. The Graphics are fine, they look good to me, and the AI??.. Doesnt it use the same engine as the first KOTOR??, i would of thought that such mistakes wouldnt of been made because it uses same tech as first... Ive already pre-orderd a copy of sithlords, and im really looking forward to playing it, but it would seem that the bugs, AI problems would distract from the gameplay??.


What do you all think?, Thanks in advance! :fett:

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The Sith Lords is equally as good as its predeccesor.

No need to worry about the bugs, they are barely noticable really.

No worse than the first game, getting hung up on open doors and turning in circles as you try and open a container. Its really not a big deal. The story is great... IF you really pay attention, and the added depth with your companions is awesome.


You will enjoy TSL as much as you did KotOR1, Trust me.

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