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KOTOR II Comes to the UK!


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I was very pleasantly awoken this morning with the sound of KOTOR II dropping through my letter box. Putting my excitement aside, I managed to read through the manual before starting up the X Box. Despite having to run some errands and play some football (soccer) I've managed to rack up a couple of gameplay hours already and I'm absolutely loving it!


I decided to go a Jedi Sentinel, but gave just enough points to my intelligence (10) to increase Awareness, Treat Injury and Persuasion at each level up so that I could focus on other attributes to suit how I want to play the game.


So, long story short, I love KOTOR II as much as the first game!


Edit: So sorry! Thanks to my rubbish computer this thread was posted twice, please delete one admins!

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Yeh, I like the slightly quicker pace this time, and being able to use the Force almost immediately is great fun. My only complaint is that I had one horrific moment where my framerate came to a standstill and there was no movement at all for around 6 seconds...aside from that it has been fine.

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:Sighs: :( . As soon as telos came along the bugs started to enoy me, even though im a lover of the first kotor, i cant play sith lords til a patch is released...


Really thing that bugs me is the swoop racing.... My swoop flys and i cant go over any boosts... Although when i pressed jump on green it fixed that problem, but when i got the time 43:somthing and got no damage, the guy said i didnt qualify even when i beat the 2nd and 3rd place?.. I tried reloading the game, rebooting, getting better times and the same thing happens....


Watching some holo-grams pulled away from the story line too, watching the eye-sockets roll around.. :c3po:


Hope they fix the swoop problems soon, because i want to play this :(

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