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What's the story with the droids?


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I've played through the game as both light and dark side and something occured to me: I never uncovered any of the story the droids had to offer.



Like G0-T0 for example, is the real Goto talking to me through a com link or is it the droid itself? I remember asking him/it a question but the response was something like "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean," like it was confused AI or something that didn't know how to answer. (Like the Rakatan computer on Kashyyyk in the first game, it wasn't within the computer's programming to answer)


What about T3 and HK? I only ever put HK together once but couldn't get anything out of him. And as I understood it, T3 was carrying some big secret but I was too focused on my other party members, turning them to Jedi and whatnot.



I always viewed the droids as tools, and I don't talk to my hydrospanner so why talk to a droid?

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HK will reveal to you a few things, but not too much really. He will tell you about the other HK's running around and how he wants to eradicate them, and how to find them. Well, he kinda tells you how to find them. You also find out a bit about his previous master. T3 reveals much more about things. With the proper application of intelligence, repair and computer skills you can gleen quite a bit from him, including a Holovid stored in his memory core from Carth or Bastila. G0-T0 is a little more stingy with information. I haven't really unlocked all his information, or if I have it wasn't much.

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With the case with T3, he was with Revan when he/she ventured out beyong the Outer Rim. For some reason, T3 returned without Revan onboard the Ebon Hawk. We can speculate that it was because Revan needed help and sent T3 to find some. And he found the Exile. Of course another reason, is that T3 and the Ebon Hawk weren't needed anymore.


Regardless, the navicomputer was voice-locked. And remember T3 doesn't want anyone to unlock it(he zaps HK). It was suggested in the game that Kreia voice-locked it, but I'd put down all my money on Revan. He/she wouldn't want anyone else to know where he/she has gone.


I always viewed the droids as tools, and I don't talk to my hydrospanner so why talk to a droid?

Why, you heartless meatbag! :swear:

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Originally posted by Derc

Why, you heartless meatbag! :swear:




But thanks for the info, now I really can't wait for a sequel to answer some of these questions. It's too bad the HK factory was cut, that could have led to some great story expansion with HK-47.


I'll try to unlock the mysteries of G0-T0 and see what he has to offer, but gaining influence with him is difficult.

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