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So what about Underworlds 1 to 7?


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Wow, that's an interesting article!

The Maya intrigue me deeply. Their symbols and references to death are fascinating.

7th Underworld is the Land of the Living, or Earth. Not exactly sure about Underworlds 1-6 though. Perhaps some sort of creation and evolution of the soul? o_o

I'm sure there'd be Mayan historical texts about it somewhere.

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It talks about it in Chapter 2 of the strategy guide. I can't be bothered to type up the whole thing, but here's a relevant excerpt:

Depending on how one died and which deities claimed your soul, you could end up in one of a number of underworlds. Those who died in battle were property of the sun god, for example, and went to his underworld. Those who died by drowning went to the paradise of Tlaloc, the water god.

But souls unclaimed by a particular deity were forced to undertake an arduous four-year journey through the Eighth Underworld, Mictlan, the land of the fleshless, until they could rest at last in the Ninth Underworld.

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