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Wich do you think is best KOTOR I or KOTOR II? post it here

Darth Smaug

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I played through KOTOR I 3 times, and just completed TSL, but have no inclination to beat it again.


With KOTOR I, you got a sense of closure, when you played as LS - wham-bam, Republic's saved, you're a hero etc, DS - You are the ultimate "Dark Lord of the Sith" etc.


TSL, didn't give me any idea to what my future was, the ending/plot was messy and left a lot of loose ends.


The locations are far better in KOTOR I too, Taris was by far the best environment.

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Having not got to far in KOTOR II (finished Dantooine and of course the Pega-whateverplace and Telos) I am so far enjoying KOTOR II more. However, the ending is very important, so I will not give an defenitive judgement yet.


The thing I liked about KOTOR was that you could play reasonable evil. Not just make others suffer because you enjoy it as in many RPG's, but because you actually BENEFIT from the dark side, which is kind of the point. Being evil should always be easier in games, it is more realistic. :D

In KOTOR II I have so far only been roleplaying as the good guy, rebellious, but basicly a nice person. However the 'evil' choices I have in dialogue seems very crude, of the 'now I'm gonna kill yo fo' fun, hehehe'. Keida has som interesting philosophical ideas concerning the light and the darkness, but other than that the bad guys aren't reallly impressive. Of course, our main bad guy dosn't seem to be a very complex personality, so that could account for it. The light and the dark are more polarized than in KOTOR I.

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In fairness to TSL, it is a better game on its second or 3rd play through. When you actually study what people say and do. The Dialogue between members and with you, their emotion and such is better I think. And the story itself is not just handed to you on a silver platter like in Kotor 1. You have to dig for it and figure it out in pieces.


I like games that you have to work to understand the story, and even then it being open enough to let you debate philisophical points with others. If I wanted a quick and easy story that didn't take any effort, I'd play something like Fable.


K2 > K1

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I agree with Drezin. Another nice point is that you actually have a backstory. You were in the war, you have been doing that and that, you actually know what galaxy you are in etc.

In kotor you had to ask others about EVERYTHING. Of course, you DID have amnesia, but then shouldn't you like, have known that you didn't know anything? Anyway, it felt strange.

In kotor II you can learn about the story by studing your own responses to the NPC's. You can reveal parts of the story to yourself so to say... like when you tell you know who about you know which weapon, which leads to the gal in white talking to you about your past, where you can defend you know what actions, or for that matter, say you were wrong. Simply that the character had a life before the game, which is interestingly unusual in RPG's. Too often it is amnesia (kotor, Torment) or you grow up in a sheltered enviroment (Baldurs Gate) or you simply are tossed into the action for no apparent reason (NWN and most other games I've ever played atleast).

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I think what made the first one stand out was the love story. I loved the fact that there was a love story built into the plot. Unfortunately, in KOTOR2 I could flirt with all the girls but it does not appear that I can actually go anywhere with any of them.


I did like some of the innovations of 2, but one still stands out a bit more.

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