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Wondering if this mod is even possible..


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ok, the Yuthura Ban mod of KoTOR1 was prob one of my faves. I'm just wondering if its possible to get a mod for her in KoTOR2?



----====SMALL SPOILER====----













a few ideas if it IS even possible..

1. have her take Goto's slot... just eliminate all curscenes involving him.. (he had the smallest role anyways) and by eliminating his cutscenes he shouldnt join up. cause he joins in a cutscene on the ebon hawk after nar shadar right?


2. place her on Korriban would be my guess.. maybe right in the area where the ebon hawk lands, she can explain she was once sith but revan helped her, she came back looking for answers etc. (base it off the dialogue you have with atton, where you set it if its a male/female and if he saved/destroyed the republic etc etc) if you say revan was sith she can claim she was once the master there that revan placed her in command after defeating Uther.


3. depending on the dialogue above set her to light/dark side... but if thats too hard to script then set her at neutral.. *shrug*


4. Yuthuras head (if its still in the data file, or can be imported someway) with maybe one the Twin Suns (twilek bounty hunter) bodies? cant remember the skin tones, or even if they would show equiped armors on them.. as i said im no modder, just tossing some ideas out. if i recall correctly the previous mod just used a sith uniform for the base... i would assume that would work here as well??


5. as for class, she could really be anything.


6. and for some futher interesting dialogue maybe a cutscene with Kreia, seeing they both knew revan etc... *shrug* thats prob a little more unlikely.


i have experiance writing multitudes of short stories, i can prob easily whip up some dialogue to flesh things out (i already go a few interesting ideas that will make things fun but not revealing and all too mysterious), but i have NO modding skills at all... so this is a question to if its possible and a request i guess... and i love these games but my job doesnt give me the luxury to learn to mod it make the mods i would enjoy sadly...

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it seems it was created by GameUnlimited so i guess he would be the one to ask about this. I saw he came back just recently so he's prob playing the game atm :-) but if he reads this let me know what you think about the idea at least.


I was playing around with KSE last night trying to find Yuthura's model, to see if it was even still in the game. I changed my main into a couple of dif twilek but not Ban. anyone know what her model name is?

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if i recall correctly she had a purplish head with spots, and a sith uniform.... so yeah pretty much normal looking cept for the fact she had a uniform on instead of the "bathing suit" outfit.


i did try using Lashowe model from the first game to see if equiping somthing over the sith uniform was possible and that failed... so im getting stumped here.

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Originally posted by WarlordAlpha

if i recall correctly she had a purplish head with spots, and a sith uniform.... so yeah pretty much normal looking cept for the fact she had a uniform on instead of the "bathing suit" outfit.


i did try using Lashowe model from the first game to see if equiping somthing over the sith uniform was possible and that failed... so im getting stumped here.

To make anyone wearing a sith uniform or anytypoe of uniform wear other clothes you need to modify the appearances.2da and change the modelX and textureX coloumns (X being a, b, c, d etc to indicate the different armour types and robes) for each of the armour classes. An easy way is to copy what the other NPC's (female ones of course unless you want Yuthura to be butch ...) lines have and put them in to her line.


You could even go so far as to make new textures and skins just for her if you wanted to. Well for her clothes anyway. \


Also you could set her up with a unique model

(maybe the dancer one?)

and set up different skins for that based on the armour types.

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Yuthuras head (if its still in the data file, or can be imported someway) with maybe one the Twin Suns (twilek bounty hunter) bodies?


Thats the combination I used for my PC. The model is N_TwiAssasin and the N_TwiAssB texture is the one you want (for the "underwear" texture), it matches the skintone of the head quite well.


For example: http://img203.exs.cx/img203/7109/yuthura3ys.jpg

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