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New user, requesting data/help on kotor 1 modding.


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Greetings all, I am pretty new here and would like to first of all say great job and thanks for all the mods.


I warn you this post may be a bit large.

I recently got kotor 2 for the xbox and loved it. Having loved kotor 1 for the xbox so much I decided I wanted to play back through it but not having Broadband available where I live I can not get the extra content for it... so I bought the PC version and fell in love with the game all over again. I then found this wonderful place.


I have been here for a few days and honestly I am a bit confused. There does seem to be a glut of information and though it is all relevant not all of it seems to be current. Also some of it, if I am not too confused also appears to contradict other information. I do not wish to sound as though I am criticizing in the slightest. I merely could use some help in bringing about a closure of the first projects that I am working on and some help getting started on others. I realize with the release of TSL that kotor 1 modding is going to fall off a bit.

Thusly I also felt it may be beneficial to all to get some of the last things cleared up and to put down the final facts as an overall.


Edit tk102: Introductory words de-emphasized


I am currently trying to build 2 lightsabres. One is a sabre modeled after the toy that was sold around the release of episode 2. If you will have noted them they were a bit large and had on them a big button on the side that allowed the blade to slide out in four parts. I have already made the model for this sabre. I will go over what I think I understand about this one and what help I might need.


I extracted the sabre w_lghtsbr_001 and loaded into 3dsmax 5 with NWN tools. I then deleted the handle from the model and nothing else. I proceeded to model my handle from there. Once done with the modeling I added a trimesh modifier to the top of the modifier stack... I do not know why I needed to do this and I would like to. I also tried to link up the aurorabase to the models handle but am unsure whether it worked or not, how may I tell? I also would like to know how many faces on a sabre is too many and how to tell other than at the recompile of the MDL\MDX events.


Please forgive this obvious lack of knowhow I merely started modeling less that a month ago, but I do feel the models I make look pretty good. Since this sabre is a suppossed to be a joke I wanted to make modifications to its base stats, is that possible. I do not remember seeing anything about that. When all is said and done I wanted it to do 1-1 points of damage with a basic crystal plus its bonuses for other crystals. I also I want it wieldable by anyone.


The second blade I am trying to make is supposed to be a one of a kind and have a one of a kind crystal. I figured out how to limit with feats and class, alignment, and so forth and to make it give feats and so forth. But I really do want it to be able to have a one of a kind blade. I have painted the blade already (a small circle right) and made the changes to the stats I felt were waranted. The only problems here are that I only want it to take the one crystal that I have made... I think the crystal is correct as well. Is it possible to limit a sabre to the one crystal and it as the focusing gem, thusly it being non upgradable? Also how do you make the blade unique, is hex editing still the only way? I noticed that when the model is extracted it produces a text file that

has the name of the textures in it... I assumed that it would be used to change the calls in the file when

recompiled but it does not seem to work for me... it is probably something I am doing, I realize but... what?


Next is there any thing I have to know about naming of the files... I realize that the walkthroughs cover this, but I am wondering if any of it has changed due to new tools and findings, again it appears to have but I am quite confused. What I have created is:


iw_lghtsbr_ 055.tga--- this is the handle icon.

iw_SbrCrstl_055.tga--- this is the icon for the crystal.

Ns_sbrcrstl55.uti--- this is the crystal item.

upcrystals.2da--- this is the 2da with the original crystal added.

Veretan.uti--- this is the sabre handle.

w_Lghtsbr_055.tga--- this is the skin for the handle.

w_lghtsbr_55.mdx-this is the model


w_lsabrevert01.tga--- this is the beam.


Okay now what I would really like to know is does the crystal and the saber need to be the same name... or number? in fact what files need to share file names and which can be completly unique. Do they all need to be numbered if not which ones... how many numbers are allowed. What are the nameing conventions. I realize that I do not have .txi in my list... I am unsure what it does, I have looked into others and they are sometimes diffrent from the standard ones, what does it control. If I wanted to make a chrome effect how would I? I have seem to come across others that have. How did they do it?


Since I am getting into the skinning methods, how can I determine on a skin where each piece is located on the model. I realize that it is a square, but does it merely require trial and error or is there logical method that can be used? Or again am I merely confused about something simple?


I have seen the mention that you need a DLG editor, but I have found the one that comes with KT, and just goofing around with it I made a couple of things. but because I was just goofing I did not find out yet, does the call to skill checks come from a script or is it something in the dialog editor itself. If it is a script call, is there a list of commonly used scripts. I simply am not a programmer and I know it, if it is required I can learn, but really hope that more can be done with basic tools or premade scripts.


Now about mapping... is there any tools to make it easier. This is really out of my league right now, but I hope it will not be too long so just trying to get a bit of preemtive data.


Again sorry for the extremely long post. Thanks for your consideration and complete or partial responses. I hope to pay you back with mods for kotor and for TSL in the future.


..... just to let you know you can respond to the name above but I will always sign with the name Darkechibi... I had to set a diffrent account up because the first one failed to send me a acctivation code... I really don't know

why. This one may also be used by spouse sometimes.




EDIT-- I also wanted to know is it possible to merely remove the level cap... where you stopgaining XP?


I am also curious as to the difficulty of getting models from K1 into K2 and vice versa, and for getting in K2 the dancer outfit on visas?


Edit tk102: Removed the multitude of random line breaks for sake of clarity.

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Hi! Welcome to the forums, and to KoTOR modding!


I can not help with the model part (I cant even figure out how to model a tube ...) But I can help with the saber that you want as unique.


The easiest way to make it so it can not be upgraded is to copy the uti file from another saber (which I assume you did) then deleted all the lines about needing crystals to upgrade it (easy with KoTOR Tool). Add in the properties that you want the saber to have and save it.


An easy way to find out what numbers/names are needed is to download another saber and look at the files included in with it.


I found the easiest way to discover where everything on the skin fits on the model is by painting it with bright colours (green, blue, yellow etc) and looking at the model in game and comparing that to what i have in my editing software. There proably is an easier method but I find that one works really well.


In the hex file for the mdl of your lightsaber you will see in four (or eight for double sabers) the name of the saber colour (which you have named in this case: w_lsabrevert01.tga) just replace what is there already (be it w_lsbrblue01 or another colour) with yours in the four (or eight) places and save it. I find the easiest way is with a hex editor and hex editing the mdl.


If you want you can download my pink sabers at pcgamemods.com and rip them to pieces to see what makes them tick. ( http://pcgamemods.com/6596/ )


Good luck with your mods!

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I was going to make a quest for this unique sabre where you get a handle, then a power cell and a crystal and had to have it specially put together. so all I need to do is make the sabre only upgradable with the one crystal? and thusly none of the others sabres can use it? if thats the case then my powerful sabre is all but done. cool. so the only way to change the blade is hexxing. no problem! I just hoped.


and thank you again for the greetings!

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I didn't see the original post but I'm guessing Tk wanted to make sure you got the answers your looking for by clarifying your post.


You can always PM a modderator with any questions you may have regarding an edited post.


Tk, I'll try to refrain from attempting to read your mind in the future:p

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Originally posted by RougeTheBat

I see that my post was edited, I will assume that I transgressed somehow... but would like to know in what way for future reference... please.

No worries here ;) Moderators are not here just to perform some bannings :dev11: but also to help members on the boards :)


... as deathdisco said, tk102 was just trying to make sure your post would be read.


Welcome to the boards!

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I see, then I truly appreciate his help... thanks tk102.


I also see that this post was a tad too early. honestly I thought that I had been rather extensive with my forum and post searches but I see now that I was in error. I went directly to the "so you want to start..." post and simply made a fool of myself by not searching everywhere. Usually I do not do this... I try to be very complete in my studies before requesting help but I seem to have gotten a tad overwhelmed. this is not to say I would not appreciate direct help but I am trying to largely start over. And again thank you for the welcoming I hope I can become at least something of a contributer sooner rather than later... and again thank you



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