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Clone Wars era artillery for empire?


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Pardon? I honestly didn't understand that post...


I am pointing out that on the game poster art there apears to be somthing very similar to the artillery used by the clones in Ep2. This suggests that this might be in game. What do you mean it's just there? That'd be like saying "Jam the enterprise on the poster. It doesn't have to be in game, it'll just be there"

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It certainly resembles the SPHA-T at first glance but it is different in several ways. While Viceroy is incorrect in saying the SPHA-T did not have legs, the legs it did have were rather different to the ones in the picture. Also the control deck was further forward and more prominent on the SPHA-T.


It seems to me this unit will operate in a similar fashion to the SPHA-Ts, but would probably be much smaller (around the size of an AT-TE).

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