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Solving KotOR I's problems...


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Hi !


I've encountered many problems in KotOR I and I'm wondering whether it's possible to correct them...

So, I've made a list which gathers these glitches :

  • On Manaan, once you found a means to enter in the Sith embassy without using their hangar of apontage and just after the elevator, there's a Sith officer - A female, more precisely - which calls her "senior in rank" - The commander Grann - to check out if you're really their spy, because she does not recognize you and your papers are false. Immediately, the commander - accompanied by his 4 battle droïds - says something like "What ?! [...] Droïds, destroy them !" even if you're alone !
    So, I would wish to know how I can make scripts that change this dialog to "What ?! [...] Droïds, destroy him !" when you're an alone male, in "What ?! [...] Droïds, destroy her !" when you're an alone female and, of course, in "What ?! [...] Droïds, destroy them !" when there are party members with you...
  • When you're affected by an immobilizing Force power, like stasis, affliction, terror, etc... and all their "evolutions" (Kill, insanite, ...), you have the possibility to "hold up" your melee weapon ! (Using the "X" key, I think...)
    But, I do not know how I can de-activate this action !...
  • In the Taris' Under-city, you must meet Gadon Thek to reach the underground city. For that, you exchange with him your Sith armor - Stolen during a private Sith party or taken from a Sith corpse - against Sith papers. But if you equip Carth Onasi with this disguise and let him in your apartment, the option to do this exchange is still available ! By exploiting this error, you can keep both Sith papers and armor...
  • If you wear the Sith armor kept with the previous glitch in the Taris Under-city or in another planets (Manaan, Tatooïne, etc...), everyone considers you as an unspecified person and says you usual words ! In reality, they should pronounce words showing that they're afraid when you're wearing your disguise, no ?...
  • On Korriban, when you're accompanied by Juhani and when you meet Dak Vesser for the first time, he says you that he must leave this place. If you return to Dreshdae, you'll see him in the local Cantina. There, you can kill him by not letting him leave the planet. Once dead, go back in the Valley of the Dark Lords and return in the Cantina : You shall see Dak still alive !

So, could you help me to "fix" all these major problems, please ?...

I thanks you in advance for your help !...

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Wow...nitpick much? ;)


Seriously though, these are all things that you have to intentionally exploit to come across. Before I read this, I never would have thought that:


  • Someone would go into the Sith Base on Manaan (one of the most difficult modules in the game, IMHO) alone.

  • Someone would flourish a weapon while in statis.

  • Someone would work to hang onto the Sith Armor (that has no defensive properties to speak of).

  • Someone would still be wearing Sith Armor when better armor/jedi robes are available.


So, a guy walks into the doctor and says, "Doctor, it hurts when I do this." and the doctor says "Don't do that anymore."


I understand that this issues are important to you. I think that it's fair to assume that Bioware was within reason to expect that no one would do any of the things listed above. As for #4, how could you expect them to write dialog for the game based on the assumption that people would discover the glitch discussed in #3?


To refer to these as major problem is an embellishment to say the least. The Dak Vesser issue is a glitch and as such it should be fixed...after it's been posted in the request sticky. As for the rest...remember the guy that went to the doctor.


Just my 2 cents.

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If you wear the Sith armor kept with the previous glitch in the Taris Under-city or in another planets (Manaan, Tatooïne, etc...), everyone considers you as an unspecified person and says you usual words ! In reality, they should pronounce words showing that they're afraid when you're wearing your disguise, no ?...


You're just being ridiculous here. You exploited a glitch to have an armor that you aren't supposed to have and you expect there to be written dialog to corrispond with that? Thats like me cheating myself into Darth Malak's appearance and expecting NPCs to address me accoordingly. The reason why they address you normally is because you AREN'T SUPPOSED TO HAVE THE ARMOR.


All your "major problems" are just severe nitpicks, like Achilles said, you'd have to work at causing them, they aren't something the average player is going to encounter. Even so, it's not as if they're major problems anyway, so an NPC uses "them" when you're alone, wow theres a show stopping bug, Bioware should have gone through another compile and lengthy round of testing to get that one fixed huh?

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I wouldn't create this thread if I did not regard it as important...

I've exploited a great number of possibilities in SW : KotOR I to "track" each errors. Now, I would wish to correct them to make this game more realistic...

I know that I'm not alone to think that... And Bioware no longer generates new patchs for KotOR...

Help me, please !...

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You'd make a good software developer - you have just the right personality to determine the root cause of a failure ;)


I started 'C' programming because I didn't like the way things worked on a Sega Genesis game. I built a Flash memory card (from scratch! {it was 1992, after all} ) and a board to let my Macintosh II read and write it. Only 'C' would address the amount of memory needed to work with the card.


So why am I (perhaps) boring you with this? Because having something that you really want to work on (or fix) is the best motivator for learning anout it. You've displayed an admirable quality, AFAIC. So go for it! Figure it all out, bit by bit, and you'll have a great time enjoying the fruits of your success. You'll also become such an expert that you'll become even more popular as a modder! :)

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Originally posted by Leviathan

I wouldn't create this thread if I did not regard it as important...

I've exploited a great number of possibilities in SW : KotOR I to "track" each errors. Now, I would wish to correct them to make this game more realistic...

I know that I'm not alone to think that... And Bioware no longer generates new patchs for KotOR...

Help me, please !...


I'm not trying to sound rude here but I agree with the other 2 on this thread. If it is something you want to have in your game have at it and build it yourself as these are all personal gripes and minor glitches in game that you exploit on a regular basis. I don't think there is going to be much support offered in the manner of doing it for you from others. However we can definetley provide you with advise on how to acomplish your goal.

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I do not ask you to correct all these errors for me, but I need help on how to do that. I'm not a "script's professional", that's why I've posted this thread. If you can not help me for this project, it's not a real problem : I've a small idea on how to start it...

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