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Jedi Guardian Stat Help


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I'm playing as a Jedi Guardian for the second time, and this time I want to build a better character. For those of you who have already played a few times as a Guardian, I have a couple of questions that you might help me answer....

1. How important is dexterity to a guardian? Mostly I've just been focusing on Strength and Constitution. I don't ever use ranged weapons, so does dexterity make any kind of difference to my character? If his consitution is high enough that he can take a lot of hits, is it necessary for him to have a high "dodge" ability?

2. For my guardian, I found that the only time I ever used the force was to jack up my defensive powers and employ dark fury. I seldom ever used offensive powers, though I'd use insanity to immobilize large groups. It doesn't seem necessary to have a high wisdom or charisma as a guardian, or even a medium level. Is it a good idea to keep Wisdom/Charisma at 11 or 12 and give those extra points to strength and constitution?

3. My opinion is that a high intelligence for a guardian is a must, so he has the ability to gain more skills which he can use to create defensive armor, implants and med packs to make up for the fact that his force healing powers are weak and his close range fighting style means that he'll get knocked around a lot. Do poeple agree with this opinion?

4. Charisma seems pretty useless to a guardian. As a dark guardian, I'll never use light side powers, and vice versa. They cost too much, and with a weak force pool as it is, i'd find myself out of force power in the middle of a battle. That being said, is there any reason at all to build up charisma? Does charisma have anything to do with NPC influence?

5. As a guardian, I've found that is extremely harder to gain influence with NPC's. As a consular, it was a lot easier, i trained all of my jedi-trainable allies by the third or so planet as a consular. As a guardian, I'm still struggling to train any of them by the end of the game. Is this just a downside of playing as a guardian?

6. As a consular, I found that at every other new level, I'd get to choose 2 force powers. However, as a guardian, I don't ever get to choose 2 feats, which one would think would be the logical counterpart. Is there anything the consular get to make up for this?


Thanks for any help!

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Strength is by far the most important factor for a Guardian.


Higher Strength = more chance to hit + more damage being dealth with each hit.


Dexterity will only be used for defence. If you plan on going with heavy armor, then a dexterity of 12, or even 10 is all that is required. Otherwise I would pick 14 dexterity on the starting sheet and stay with that for the game.


Intelligence isn't very important, if you need skills, that's what your party members are for.


Wisdom and Charisma can be neglected entirely for a guardian, as they will be killing things with their saber, not through force powers.


Constitution is nice, but I would never want to get more than 18, as I would only be increasing this talent to be able to wear high-end implants.

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5. As a guardian, I've found that is extremely harder to gain influence with NPC's. As a consular, it was a lot easier, i trained all of my jedi-trainable allies by the third or so planet as a consular.

Just as a hint, yes, Charisma does affect this in some manner (persuasion). It helps to unlock certain dialogue trees leading to Padawan training and story development. Plus, Charisma along with Wisdom affects the 'potency' of your Force Powers, not just force points...


Dexerity can be very important as far as AC, but also if you choose the "Lightsaber Finesse" feat. Not only would you get the AC bonuses of a High Dex, you get to use those stats for combat as well. 2 birds with one stone IMHO. Strength would be important for melee (unless of course you choose Melee Finesse too)..and one of my least 'priority' abilities. Damage with a saber can be adjusted with upgrades. I had a base 10 strength for my Guardian and by the end of the game with all of my "boosts" I had over 30 points. Strength = Weak... again, no offense... this is all IMHO...


Consitution anywhere from 16-18 would be suggested for using the "good" implants, which in turn can be used to boost your lower ranked abilities. I remember finding several implants raising your ability scores anywhere from +3 / +5 points. Not to mention the HP's ;)


Intelligence = Skills = Good.

TSL, as far as their buggy game goes, had a good idea with the importance of actually using them this time. Especially since it's not always 'you' alone having to do the workload. A good, broad base of all skills is almost necessary, especially on the missions you don't have your crew with you, or vice-versa you depending on them to rescue you...


Of course there will be arguments over which Abilities are more important. Afterall, it's all relative to how your personal playing style is. This is just my opinionated "dribble"... heheh ;)


Best advice... play mutliple times and experiment. That's half the fun anyway, and you might as well get your money's worth :D

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Originally posted by McPurplesaber

1. How important is dexterity to a guardian? Mostly I've just been focusing on Strength and Constitution. I don't ever use ranged weapons, so does dexterity make any kind of difference to my character? If his consitution is high enough that he can take a lot of hits, is it necessary for him to have a high "dodge" ability?

Honestly, strength isn't too important anymore because of the glory that is Weapon Finesse. Just get Weapon Finesse: Lightsaber and it will add your dexterity mod to your weapons if it is higher than your strength mod. Since dexterity already improves your defence it becomes (IMO) one of the best stats in the game.


2. For my guardian, I found that the only time I ever used the force was to jack up my defensive powers and employ dark fury. I seldom ever used offensive powers, though I'd use insanity to immobilize large groups. It doesn't seem necessary to have a high wisdom or charisma as a guardian, or even a medium level. Is it a good idea to keep Wisdom/Charisma at 11 or 12 and give those extra points to strength and constitution?
For the purposes of efficiency I never put my characters initial stats higher than 14 in any category. I would recommend Strength/Dexterity/Charisma/Constitution at 14, Intelligence at 10, and Wisdom at 12. And if you aren't using it, Force Speed is *extremely* good. Master Speed gives you an additional two attacks every time you attack. I like to use that in conjunction with Flurry and a Double Bladed Lightsaber for 5 attacks per round.


3. My opinion is that a high intelligence for a guardian is a must, so he has the ability to gain more skills which he can use to create defensive armor, implants and med packs to make up for the fact that his force healing powers are weak and his close range fighting style means that he'll get knocked around a lot. Do poeple agree with this opinion?
No, I would rely on my other characters (esp Bao-Dur!) to churn out the majority of the new equipment - they can create items just fine. A Jedi Guardian can also do healing that is (in the end) about 85% as good as what a Consular would do. That's fine enough by me. If you want skills that badly though you should just play as a Sentinel and go with a high Constitution Mod.


4. Charisma seems pretty useless to a guardian. As a dark guardian, I'll never use light side powers, and vice versa. They cost too much, and with a weak force pool as it is, i'd find myself out of force power in the middle of a battle. That being said, is there any reason at all to build up charisma? Does charisma have anything to do with NPC influence?
Yes it does, and it also adds to your Force points just as much as Wisdom.


5. As a guardian, I've found that is extremely harder to gain influence with NPC's. As a consular, it was a lot easier, i trained all of my jedi-trainable allies by the third or so planet as a consular. As a guardian, I'm still struggling to train any of them by the end of the game. Is this just a downside of playing as a guardian?
No, it's a downside of your Charisma.


6. As a consular, I found that at every other new level, I'd get to choose 2 force powers. However, as a guardian, I don't ever get to choose 2 feats, which one would think would be the logical counterpart. Is there anything the consular get to make up for this?
Consulars get Feats half as often as Guardians, but Guardians (and Sentinels) only get two Force Powers at the first Jedi Level (although your PC is an exception to this), whereas Consulars get two force powers every two or three levels.
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