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Too Easy?


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Okay. I found that, except for a few parts in the game, it was rediculously easy-ESPECIALLY at higher levels. A couple Force Storms could kill any group of enemies, and spamming Force Crush ( a Sith Lord exclusive ability) I could kill any Force-user I faced, because by the time they recovered from it, I was using it again. Even at the max difficulty, it was still easy.


Don't get me wrong-it was fun as hell. In fact, this weekend I stayed up all night AND stayed up till 5:00 in the morning playng it. I even forgot to do my homework for school, I was so freaking addicted. The plot is freaking amazing-but they could've made it a bit harder.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Do you have it set on Hard?

Hard doesn't help much. Luckily strides have been made over in Holowan Labs on at least two hardcore mods. Beancounter has released a script based mod that will allow you to make your opponents tougher without increasing XP. Additionally, it's been found that making edits to your autobalance.2da file will give similar results and can be used to increase XP as well.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi at the boards...


I agree - it is loads of fun, but ridicoulusly easy (combat that is).


I mostly can't be bothered doing anything but spam the same attack in combat (with a Battle Meditation or something once in a while just to speed things up) - or just jump from character to character leaving combat to the AI.


A lot of the time, I just do solo-mode to get a little resistance. Being as bugged as it is (solomode), most of the party usually end up in a fight while Im away, but I rarely notice 'till the XP start ticking in :rolleyes:


So far, the only hard fight I had was [very minor spoiler]:

when the ship was occupied by thugs on Nar Shadaa

- That was when I used my first healing thingy.


I play on normal, and my next game will definitely be on hard, but I wan't to try it "the way it was meant to be played".

The bad thing is that I have never felt happy about good armour or weapons (goodlooking - but thats different ;) ) because I never needed it.


Perhaps it is being a Guardian/Watchman, but it is pretty much the same if I solo with anyone else from the party (although I miss cloaked Knightspeed when my beloved Sniki Sukka isn't around :p ).


I guess I will ban weapons in the party next time - the Sith needs all the handicaps they can get :D

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