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[KOTOR2] Need Help on Head model


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I'm trying to get the PMHC04 head model from KOTOR 1 into KOTOR 2 but I don't know what files need to be extracted from KOTOR 1 exactly I extracted the Textures and portrait files, PMHC08.mdx and pmhc08-ascii.mdl. I just want to know what other files are needed to make it work. I'm planning on using this for my own personal use.


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Well... OE changed the model format so the ones from KOTOR I are not going to be usable in TSL, I believe they did this to to stop exactly this kind of thing porting between the 2 games... so unfortunately you are not going to be able to have that head in TSL... pity, I liked that one as well. :(

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actually the model you want to import is in Kotor already. when you first get on peragus and wake up in the kolto tank, notice the other miners in the kolto tanks have the heads of the male heads in Kotor 1. and one of them has that head


i'd like to see that, because that was the head i aways used in kotor 1 :D



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I found him guys, but the there might be a problem... I don't know if the kolto mask is attached to the models face or not, I’m hopping it's not but all I have to do is try to find him in the game files and I would appreciate any help I could get on this.


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I found his texture in ERFs/TexturePacks/swpc_tex_tpa/P/PER_Kolto2.tcp

But I have no idea where to find his head model... I looked into heads.2da and apperance.2da and found nothing that mentions that texture....


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If this is the head I'm thinking of (the head I used for KOTOR 1) I think Captain Gelasi on Onderon uses that head. Perhaps its under his name? I don't mod, so I can't tell.


Best of luck though, I think the heads in KOTOR 1 beat the heads in TSL hands down.

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I've found a temporary fix.


You can replace the textures for PMHH01 (the long haired hispanic looking head), with the textures for the head from KOTOR1. It is almost a perfect fit.


You just need to do a little bit of editing of the hair in the KOTOR1 texture (you need to get rid of that triangular fleshy spot at the top of the texture).

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Not a problem.


Just ignore the beard.




Here's the quick and dirty texture editing I did as well.



I just did a quick copy and paste of a section of hair to cover the triangle area and the lighter patch right under the eye in the texture. Then added to his sideburns a bit.

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That's pretty good, I'll probably do that for now as well.

Well at least we know this project isn't illegal since the model and skin are in game but it's just the trouble of finding the head model witch is real pain to do since I have no idea what it's called or have no model viewer to look through them all. So if any of you moding pros are out there I would love to get some help on this. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
what happened :confused:


This is not new to us …all restriction in k1 apply in k2 modeling ..


It looks like someone punched him in the right side of the face and knocked his eyes and false teeth out. :p


No as usual it looks like someone did not read the readme with mdlops. Or any old discussions on modeling and heads.. It’s known mdlops has limitations with animations. Because it does not support animations, we have NEVER been able to compile the head models, all you can do is hex edit it… and skin it.


I think I may have over heard that the face was going to have a few extra controllers to allow for great facial expressions, I could be wrong a lot of things where mentioned in the months before k2 arrived. If that head was ported and meant to float in a kolto tank as a prop, it is also possible that it was not rigged up with the new controllers that the new heads have and would cause this to happen as well.



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All I need to do is get the rest of the head to move with the mouth and eyes. How do I attach them together in gmax? I was looking in gmax and the hair in the back, the eyes and teeth are not attached to the rest of the head model.

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Originally posted by Zod

All I need to do is get the rest of the head to move with the mouth and eyes. How do I attach them together in gmax? I was looking in gmax and the hair in the back, the eyes and teeth are not attached to the rest of the head model.


As Svosh said... you can't. It's not a problem of you personally not being able to attach them, noone can... nobody has managed to figure out how to compile the head models yet.. Therefore im sorry mate, but at this time theres noting u can do to prevent that from happening.

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Svösh that was harsh man, :D but completely true :p Really Zod as i said last in my pm, I don't think this is going tio happen. Svösh's words may seem mean, but its true this has been discussed many times.


But having said this, let me give you some advise, don't give up, i have been told something was impossible before, so I turned around and did it :D dig you heels in and make it work :p Just dont clutter the boards about it so much :D


But having said that, let me give you some advise,..... It's not going to happen :D

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  • 10 months later...

"Arise.. ancient thread.. Arise...!" I summo...


*looks at date of last post*


oh wait... "I spite thee thread back to the bowels of the void from which you were born!" :lock:






err.. this thread is ancient by any standards.. plus personal requests such as this are better handled by the PM system ;)

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