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Need help on scripting !...


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As that's never finished, I'ld like to know something : How can I merge two conditional scripts into a unique one ?...

For example, how can I merge these scripts into one file ?

if (GetPartyMemberByIndex(1) == OBJECT_INVALID &&
   GetPartyMemberByIndex(2) == OBJECT_INVALID)

int StartingConditional()
   string sTag = GetScriptStringParameter();
   if ( GetIsObjectValid( GetItemPossessedBy( GetFirstPC(), sTag))) return TRUE;

   return FALSE;

I thanks you in advance for your invaluable help !...

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I don't get what you are trying to do. You cannot combine a script that starts with

void main() and a script that determines the availability of a .dlg branch with the int starting conditional () function :confused:


However, if what you mean is how to make a script that will check, per example, if the PC is equipped with a blaster and if he is a consular, then do something, you will have to use the proper operators. You will find a similar example here: http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=143562



and all the info in this tutorial by tk102:



In any event, look at the .nss files, you'find plenty of examples.

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