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is there anyway to skip peragus?


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I doubt it's impossible. Someone handy with scripting could probably put together something that gives you all the stuff you'd miss, like a preset amount of influence, xp, and certain items, as well as a script to set the "revan" variables.

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I agree, this mod needs to be made. The only thing keeping me from starting a second character is this dang level.


It was somewhat interesting the first time through, as all the pieces began to fall together, but unlike other aspects of the story, this one is only good the first time.


KOTOR 1 got past this by making the Endar Spire last only a few minutes, and then you jumped into the real story with Carth on Taris.

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The easiest solution is just to save at the beginning of Telos and load that save when you want to restart the game.


But I did some experementing in the "modding Peragus out". So far unsuccessful. I managed to skip the prologue and Peragus entirely, and send the player directly to the cinematic where you are being arrested in Telos (after arriving). It worked well up until the moment when you regained control of your character at apartment block. Then the game crashed {insert some censored words here} It's also pain in the butt to test since you need to click through all those cutscenes which takes 10 minutes or so. {insert more censored words} :mad:

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Originally posted by Tesla

In the swplayer.ini, there's a NewCharStartLevel value, it's set to 001EBO which is the Prologue, perhaps changing that could work ?


It may very well work, in terms of simply starting from other module. But the main problem is that in Peragus player gets various powers, acquires party members, variety of global variables gets set, etc, etc... Starting from (eg) Telos is not the problem. The problem is making game playable afterwards.

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How about this then: streamline the process by removing all the enemies from the peragus level until the Sith arrive. That way, you would just have to run through the motions in nearly half the time. You could make it so that at key points... freeing Atton, for example, you got enough XP to level up.

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AS opposed to that, can you remove all enemies, open all security doors and disable all console locks and stuff like that and then keep warping the character to the different situations in order?


I understand this will be very complex to do, probably not worth the effort, but would be a challenge. If no one starts working on this, I think I'll break my noobiness on this kinda mod.


If this is possible, then it would finish the entire Peragus situation in like 7-10 minutes.

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