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Messed up Doors


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ok right now on tsl i am at

nar shaddar

and there are two doors going to the same place that i cannot open

i need to get these doors because i think

that the are the doors that go to GOTO (lol)



i wanted to know if anyone else has this problem


i am sure thoe i have not tryed yet that i can set the door's varible open to one or somthing like that

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They aren't meant to be opened.

I am not sure why they made them targetable doors instead of just door textured walls. But using Force Sight you can see through them and there is nothing to be found anyway.

I believe however someone has made a Mod that allows you to open them and they placed containers in there with good items.


The ones on Nar Shadaa are aggrevating to say the least, everytime you pass them you find yourself trying in vain to open them. Its like walking to the refrigerator to see if there is anything to eat, knowing full well all you have in there is mustard and week old chinese food.

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or somthing that dident revmove but also dident need


there is an entire planet that remains unxplored with out the right tools


but i am a noob modder but i will see what i can stir up about these two door


for those who havent start modding it is fun


people have made all kinds of mods

to download these mods go to

http://www.lucasfiles.com or

http://www.pcgamemods.com/6 <-- this one has more mods


the /6 is to select the kotor I/kotor II mods

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