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Dezanti replaces Tienn on Nar Shaddaa


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When I first arrived on Nar Shaddaa I noticed that Dezanti replaced Tienn Tubb. That was fine: I deleted any files in my Ovverride that might cause the problem, then I proceeded to play the game. I got to the point where I need Tienn to replace the transponder codes, but I can't because its Dezanti there instead of Tienn.

Can fix this without restarting the entire planet?:confused:

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In this case, the file n_duros001.utc, whose TemplateResRef is "n_duros001.utc" was not unique.


There are in fact 7 such .utc files in the game:

[b]findrefs -2cq n_duros001[/b]

201TEL_s.rim     n_duros001.utc        TemplateResRef      'n_duros001'
203TEL_s.rim     n_duros001.utc        TemplateResRef      'n_duros001'
209TEL_s.rim     n_duros001.utc        TemplateResRef      'n_duros001'
301NAR_s.rim     n_duros001.utc        TemplateResRef      'n_duros001'
351NAR_s.rim     n_duros001.utc        TemplateResRef      'n_duros001'
352NAR_s.rim     n_duros001.utc        TemplateResRef      'n_duros001'
401DXN_s.rim     n_duros001.utc        TemplateResRef      'n_duros001'


In addition, the Tag field itself ("Duros") is not unique either:

[b]findrefs -2cq Duros[/b]

301NAR_s.rim     n_duros001.utc        Tag                 'Duros'
templates.bif    n_duros.utc           Tag                 'Duros'
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@ D333


Yes, I had n_duros001.utc in my override intended for the Dezanti on Dxun. Alas, I removed it but he wouldn't go away, so I had to restart the planet.


@ tk


Wow, they use it 7 times!? Thats a bit annoying. Ah well, thanks for the info!




Thank you both for your help.:)

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