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The whole kotor story line (as i see it) (This is a spoiler!)


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Now i think i have a basic understanding of the story but i have many holes in the way i see it so can people please fill them for me.



The story begins with the mandalorians who strart by attacking worlds on the Outter Rim just out side the republics protection. Then the Mandalorians deside that this is not a challange so they start attacking the republic. Now this war is going wrong so the republic plea to the Jedi but they don't act strait away and the jedi council sat back and talked about what to do. However two jedi knights Revan and Malak, desided to 'recruit' other jedi including the exile to help the republic without the support of the republic. now Revan won the war with the help of exile who destroyed malachor 5 with the shadow generator Boa dur invented. Then the exile goes back to the council after using the force he shut himself off from making hom an echo. then he gets exiled now after this battle revan descovers the sith academy and this makes his go dark and become a sith lord. now for some reason he goes around the galaxy looking for star maps to find the star forge. now they return to republic space with an army made by the star forge and those republic troops loyal to revan. Then revan trained these sith assassins to capture and kill jedi and take them to the malachor 5 academy. Then during one battle bastillia shan and a jedi task force break into revans ship and try to capture him. During this malaks ship attacks revans ship and almost kills revan. but bastillia save his life takes him back to the dantooine council and wipe his memory. So the jedi deside to track the star forge by following revans path during the war taking the new revan with them to help. but malak desides to attack the ship bastillia on to capture her. then the games happen and you should know the rest.



Can someone please fill in the holes and bits i don't understand.

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All I see is letters bub.



You got the first part right, Mandalorians make war, Revan says Bite me to the republic and goes to fight them. Exile decides to join Revan because its the right thing to do, but upon seeing the tactics and savage nature of the Mandalorians, the Exile orders Bao-Dur to activate the MSG and kills everything, jedi Included.

Due to the Exile's ability to make connections and bonds, all the death nearly kills him and he cuts himself off from the force which creates an void in the force. The Void in the force lives in the Exile's spirit so to speak, which gives him even stronger abilities to make bonds. He faces his judgement like a Man and leaves the order while Revan continues his search for WHY the Mandalorians got so aggressive.

He finds the Star Forge and By travelling to DS locations he falls to the darkside. Comes back and wages war against the republic but gets caught by the Jedi and reprogrammed to be LS again. Revan kicks Malak's butt and realizes what is really behind the Mandalorian wars.

He leaves known space to go kick some "True Sith" butt. Instead he gets in trouble and sends T3-M4 back to known space to find help. He finds the Exile who is now being hunted by New sith born of the crimes at Malachor V.

Exile re-establishes his connection to the force through the force sensetivity of others and kicks serious Sith Lord butt until he learns of Revan and decides to go beyond the outer Rim to find him and help kick "true Sith" butt.


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From what Kreia reveals, it sounds like Revan chose to go to the darkside because he knew he had to, "sacrifice" himself to it in order to get the republic hardened and ready for the real battle ahead. The battle that is to come with the so called, "True Sith."

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its in all kinds of almost subtle dialogs. especially with kreia. apparantly, not very many people actually know what happened with Revan after the events of the first game (from the game's context).


to be honest, the story is open enough that you can (and should) come to your own conclusions as to what is going on with Revan and the Exile. all i have to say is that if they don't do a good job closing down all these loose ends in the third game, well, i'll cross that bridge when i get there.

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Originally posted by Drazin

You got the first part right, Mandalorians make war, Revan says Bite me to the republic and goes to fight them.


:lol: Well, that's one way to put it.

BTW, Revan defies the Jedi Order of course, not the Republic.



Also, your inference ability really has to be top notch to really understand the entire story, I guess.

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