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Rogue Squadron 2 Rogue Leader For GameCube

Guest Master Yoda

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Guest Master Yoda

Is anyone here going to get Rogue Squadron 2??

I know I am!! It looks like it has the best graphics of any game ive seen recently!!

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Originally posted by Master Yoda

Is anyone here going to get Rogue Squadron 2??

I know I am!! It looks like it has the best graphics of any game ive seen recently!!

That game looks real sweet!

I'll be getting it for sure!

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Guest Master Yoda

So whats the problem with that?? There are going to be tons of awesome games out for (SSBM,Rogue Leader,Mario Cart,Lugis Mansion,Legend of Zelda...)!! It costs less then the ps2 and the xbox(which both are going to DIE!!!).

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Originally posted by Master Yoda

So whats the problem with that?? There are going to be tons of awesome games out for (SSBM,Rogue Leader,Mario Cart,Lugis Mansion,Legend of Zelda...)!! It costs less then the ps2 and the xbox(which both are going to DIE!!!).

Hey! I happen to like the ps2! Ever play Twisted Metal Black? F U N!

Money really isn't an issue. I'm more concerned with, are they going to have good games. I'm not too into "cartoony" games that Nintendo puts out so, I might get it, I might not.

I WILL NOT buy the x-box, I don't want microsoft ruling everything:)

Does anyone know what era of play Rogue Squadron 2 is in? New Order? I haven't read much about it.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

MMMMMmmm.... Zelda Cubed...... *Drools*


Ps2 is going to die though. :p

Really? Ok :D So which console do you think is gonna be the tops? :rolleyes::)

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Guest Boba Rhett

Hmmm... I really don't know yet. My common sense is telling me it will be Gamecube but I don't really know. The reason I'm leaning towards it is because...


1. It will be released at the same time xbox is.


2. It will be alot less than the xbox is.


3. Right from the beginning gamecube will have totally *****in games released for it.


4. GC will continue having kicking games released for it.


5. Developers are having a very hard time using the PS2 SDK.

That's why there aren't many good PS2 games to date.


6. Supposedly, GC SDK if fairly easy to create games for.


7. Because GC also makes games for younger audiences, It will be selling a lot at Christmas time.


8. Once people start realizing that the Xbox is just a severely mentally disabled pc running an a gimped version of ME and that It just like sending their salary to Good Ol' Billy they'll hopefully want to steer clear of it.


9. Xbox hypes games like Obi Wan. *giggles*




11. It has been said that Episode 2 games will be made for GC.

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I see what your saying but don't you think GC are gonna be mostly kidding games?Oops forgot who I was talking too ;)

Sure GC will have the classics, which in itself is enough to buy it but other then the classics there isn't much in the way of mature games.

And it's my understanding that the GC isn't going to have a DVD (not that is much of a problem, they can depend on there name to get sales up)?

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Guest Boba Rhett

From what I've heard, They are allowing another company to produce a version of the Gamecube that supports dvds and it should be released at the same time.


Judging by Conkers 64, I'd say Nintendo is trying and going to try and get some of the older audiances back. :D

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Oh, man Conker :D :D I totally forgot about that game!


So nintendo is gonna get someone else to produce a dvd add-on.

<mumbles>damn money sucking ^$@%@</mumble> Oh that's great :)

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Guest Master Yoda

Personally I'm not into those dark bloody shoot'em up games. I like games that are FUN to play... I seen something about the DVD version of GameCube on IGN.com, it looks like they will have one at some point, though I wont buy it because I would rather spend the extra 100 bucks on games. Just the fact that there going to have Super Smash Bros Melee, Rogue Squadron 2 Rogue Leader and Zelda make the Cube worth buying. I won't buy playstation 2 because theres no games worth playing on it and I HATE microsoft so theres no way you can get me to buy their console, the only reason I use Windows is because theres not enough games for Linux.:p

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Guest Master Yoda

The first level on Rogue Leader is over the first DeathStar. So its set during the Rebellion.. In one of the movies it looked like the X-Wing they were playing as went INSIDE the SECOND DeathStar, It look way better than XWA!!!From what Ive seen there WON"T be just a buch of redone Rogue Squadron levels.:D

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Originally posted by Master Yoda

Personally I'm not into those dark bloody shoot'em up games. I like games that are FUN to play... I seen something about the DVD version of GameCube on IGN.com, it looks like they will have one at some point, though I wont buy it because I would rather spend the extra 100 bucks on games. Just the fact that there going to have Super Smash Bros Melee, Rogue Squadron 2 Rogue Leader and Zelda make the Cube worth buying. I won't buy playstation 2 because theres no games worth playing on it and I HATE microsoft so theres no way you can get me to buy their console, the only reason I use Windows is because theres not enough games for Linux.:p

Well they don't have to be dark and bloody for me to like them, they just can't be "happy and fluffy". I like the more realistic games. Anyone played Red Faction? Now there is a NICE game!

I hear you on using windows, I'd be using linux too if it wasn't for all the games win. has. :(

Rogue Leader sounds REAL nice M. Yoda

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Guest Tie Guy

Did someone just say that ps2 had no good games out or coming out for it!!!! That's crazy. Just look at all these:



Twisted Metal Black

Tekken Tag

Final Fantasy X

Metal Gear Solid


Racer Revenge

and a whole lote more.....


Let's see Gcube's got:

Rogue 2


Super Smash Brothers 2

and that's it......


I'd take a ps2 any day, plus, its got a DVD player, which i love.


Another thing, The only reason that the psx survived is because it had the best games of any of the other systems. The 64 had slightly more graphical power, but the psx did just as well because of the great games. Plus, if you take off the pokemon games (which i imagine not many people here got or will get), the psx sold alot more.

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Guest Master Yoda

Heres my GameCube list of good games:


Rogue Leader

Legend Of Zelda

Super Smash Bros Melee

Mario Cart(Looks way better than N64 version)

SSX Tricky

1080 2

Spy Hunter

Luigi's Mansion

Donkey Kong Racing


Plus they will probably announce more games coming out for it at Space World 2001.

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Guest Dorsk8199

You guys should really give Xbox a chance. I was privleged enough to go to a showing of the tech demos when it was in early development. They were really cool. We got to ask one of the two top dogs in the project all sorts of questions. He was really cool. I think he knew his stuff too. This was like almost a year ago and he pretty much predicted Sega going software only. He said he sees PS2 as their main threat. Nintendo he wrote off as going for a younger audience that they aren't focusing on. They also showed how much easier it was to program for than PS2.


Basically they sold us pretty well. The one image they said they had to get away from was the scaled down PC thing. From the answers he gave to our questions it is a powerful console (note: not a PC). It will have a hard drive and online capablities straight out of the box. It also has DVD but you might have to buy some disk or something to enable movies he said it would be priced something cheaper than a game.


Hope that helps to enlighten people a bit. I think you should give them a chance. They might surprise you.

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Originally posted by Dorsk8199

You guys should really give Xbox a chance. I was privleged enough to go to a showing of the tech demos when it was in early development. They were really cool. We got to ask one of the two top dogs in the project all sorts of questions. He was really cool. I think he knew his stuff too. This was like almost a year ago and he pretty much predicted Sega going software only. He said he sees PS2 as their main threat. Nintendo he wrote off as going for a younger audience that they aren't focusing on. They also showed how much easier it was to program for than PS2.


Basically they sold use pretty well. The one image they said they had to get away from was the scaled down PC thing. From the answers he gave to our questions it is a powerful console (note: not a PC). It will have a hard drive and online capablities straight out of the box. It also has DVD but you might have to buy some disk or something to enable movies he said it would be priced something cheaper than a game.


Hope that helps to enlighten people a bit. I think you should give them a chance. They might surprise you.

You see my beef with X-box is that it's by Microsoft. I hate that they basically rule PCs and I don't want them to rule the consoles. I know it sounds child-ish, but, eh

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Guest Dorsk8199

I totally understand. I hate Sony because they killed Sega. Sega made the best games ever. Don't even start to tell me that now they are focused on software so we will get even more games from them. Nope. They are just being whored out. All the classic games are being made for other systems. Soon you'll see Sonic2k99 and Panzer Dragoon Grind Radio Saga 38. I will never buy a playstation even if it is playstation 9 that better have everything they said in that stupid commercial or I'm sueing their asses.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


*takes a deep breath* better now. I got no beef with Nintendo though. Go Gamecube. :)

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Originally posted by Dorsk8199

I totally understand. I hate Sony because they killed Sega. Sega made the best games ever. Don't even start to tell me that now they are focused on software so we will get even more games from them. Nope. They are just being whored out. All the classic games are being made for other systems. Soon you'll see Sonic2k99 and Panzer Dragoon Grind Radio Saga 38. I will never buy a playstation even if it is playstation 9 that better have everything they said in that stupid commercial or I'm sueing their asses.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


*takes a deep breath* better now. I got no beef with Nintendo though. Go Gamecube. :)

:D Yeah sega did have some really great games. Too bad they don't come out with Dreamcast games all that much. It had some pretty fun games :(

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hey Kvan ! change your Avatar ?

so you finally 'modified your Z-95-thing', eh ?


i'm not sure about XBox. when i hear someone describe it in terms like: 'Basically it sold pretty well..' i get the feeling the sales were disappointing.


Sherack: Will Lucasconsoles.com be a forum-site too ?

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