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The Lands of Tolkien - The Tales of Middle-Earth

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Ok, so, this is actually a story I'm going to start soon. I decided to make this an RP, so I coud get some inspiration and even some characters to put in there, as I suck at deciding the personalities of my own.


So, without any other talk, I'll start my short introduction.


It is the early years of second age. Morgoth has been defeated and Sauron has backed into the shadows of Mordor to collect his armies. This did not yet alert the humans, neither the Valar, but elves and rangers knew even too well. The Mirkwoods were under a darkness that could not be broken by any light that mortals could make, the dragons in the lands of Middle-Earth were becoming even more rare as dwarves killed them for treasuries, caverns and lands. But the shores of Middle-Earth are mostly unprotected. The mountains of gondor and Rohan are inhabited by very small amounts of barbarians and dragon-riders and only them can still fight off the pirates of the South. It is not my task to defend the shores. it is my task to help people in the times of darkness






Alignment: (Good, Neutral, Chaotic)



History and bio: (Optional)


My profile

Name: Ilenal Ailendil

Age: 478

Race: Wood-elf

Alignment: Neutral

Occupation: Ranger

Weaponry: Longsword, longbow, throwing-axe

History and bio: You will find out when you get to know him. Until then, he stays a bit more or less mysterious

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((( Hrm, no real rules. I'll assume most basic ones apply. You didn't say no Dragons, and made a fairly substantial reference to them, so I'll assume they are allowed, feel free to correct me however. ))


Name: Saurel

Age: 1483

Race: Dragon

Alignment: Chaotic

Occupation: ...Dragon?

Weaponry: Natural weapons of a Wyrm, claws, powerful wings, impenetrable hide, with the exception of a soft patch directly below the left breast.

History and bio: Keeping this one a mystery as well. Really, a 1483 year bio would take a month.

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((Yeah, It's rare to spot one and the dragon riders are rare too. Most of them are actually riding more basilisk-type creatures than dragons. And for the rules, all the basic rules apply. Nothing strange with my RP's anyways :D ))


A shadowed figure moved quietly down the road. He rode a horse as black as night. This was a rare sight in Middle-Earth, as most of the real rangers never visited here. But this man was an exception. He enjoyed the company of Hobbits, elves and dwarves. Human settlements weren't that bad either, but nowdays Gondor was a cold, corrupt place and Rohan, well... Rohan was in chaos as it tried to build again it's armies and rebuild the villages and towns Morgoth and Sauron had destroyed.

The man stopped on top of a hill. He saw Osgiliath far in the distance, and when he looked behind him, he saw a village of Rohan. He would need to go past Isengard to the barbarians, as he would need the tribes to unite into a defence line against the pirates. but first he would go to Minas Tirith...

he rode again, to the gates of Minas Tirith that opened slowly, letting him in. Ilenal went for his business in the marketplace

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(( Well, I am the first player here. So you can say I'll be the only Dragon-player. That is pretty "rare". ';) ))


He rose his head slowly. Things had been dark as of late. How many Dwarves had tried to take his life in the last 30 years? He had lost count. He didn't really even have that much treasure stockpiled. They just like to stereotype Dragon's that way. Things were falling apart, unfortunately.


Not that he regretted not being under Morgoths control, oh no. He enjoyed freedom, and he knew that most of his brethren "deserved" there fate. Unable to defy there evil natures. Not that he had been able to completely do so - but he didn't eat humans...well, decent humans anyway, and burn entire villages just to make room for his lair.


When Morgoths control had first been broken, he felt the struggle to defy his nature, but after many years, he did succeed. He had hoped the rest of his kind would follow suit. Only a special few had. At best, he was mocked and taunted for his new way of thinking, at worst, his brethren attacked him.


His eyes blinked slightly, he had lost himself in his memories again. He decided that he would go out for a fly around of the country side. It got so boring sleeping in this cave, and he fancied the occasional aerial jog around. It is not like anyone could hurt him in full flight, as long as he avoided flying directly above the great human fortress of Minas Tirith.


With that, he heaved his massive bulk from the ground of his lair. Walking outside, and looking below. He spread his wings, leaping off of the cliff, his massive bulk falling before his wings caught the air, and lifted him up. He snarled contently, as he flew over the country side. Minas Tirith sat in the distance, though he made sure to keep a fair ways from it.

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Only a few merchants recognized Ilenal as he rode to a stable and left his horse there. One of them even losened on him and spoke to him. "Mr. Ailendil, how fancy seeing you here" the small sized human said as he extended his hands towards the elf. "Now that you're here, do you know anyone willing to get rid of a dragon"

"It is not my place to say if a dragon should die because I, or someone I recommended would be even payed for it. We are rangers, not mercenaries, Berin, son of Tileh" the elf responded with a cold look. He walked onto the top of the city and watched at the olding tree, guarded by a few soldiers of the royal guard of Gondor. He sighed, walking to the end of the highly overly sized ledge. The elven eyes looked around teh Pelennor fields, towards Mordor and the activity of Mt. Doom. The war was getting close. It might not be yet, but soon. He knew it. The valar would send the Istari to Middle-Earth soon. And when they did, Middle-Earth wouldbe in much bigger mess than when Morgoth was in power, as Morgoth concentrated in conquering Eldamar. The rest of Arda was left to be conquered by a very small bunch compared to those armies he made below his fortress, in the mighty dungeons...


Ah, he had been daydreaming. He could now hear the warning bells ring. Some soldiers shouted something that sounded like "Dragon", in the distance. Ilenal looked up, seeing a dragon far in the distance. "Saurel... The last dragon in these parts, and still the men don't think it's not going to harm them" he shook his head and let out a short chuckle. The elf ranger left off towards the stables quickly. After fetching his horse, he left off towards the mountains quickly, as he would need to know where dis the dragon live nowdays. It was his job as a ranger, after all

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Saurel landed on the ground, still a good distance away from Minas Tirith, upon hearing the alarm, he turned his head to look over at the great city, snorting slightly in irritation. How easily they would become paranoid. What was he going to do? Shoot a stream of fire three miles long at them? Pesh.


He sat, and watched as they sounded there alarm. Never once had he attacked the city.

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"Well that's soothing, isn't it, Saurel?" A voice behind the dragon said. He was surprised the dragon hadn't noticed him before the landing, thought he had been riding like the wind so he could get there first. "I thought you would've come to your sences already and left. there's still much free land in the north

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Name: Vikinor Svask

Age: 23

Race: Human

Alignment: Good

Occupation: Guard of Minas Tirith, Captain

Weaponry: Gondor Longsword, Sheild

History and Bio: A Captain of the Minas Tirith Guard, leaves Gondor often to ride on the open lands in the north. Born and raised in Gondor, curently on watch for a 'dangerous' dragon.

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In truth, he had noticed him, he was part of the reason he had landed. He knew he wasn't like the others, however. And he knew he would attack him out of a blind hatred for what he was.


"I know, I do not wish to subjugate them. You know that. I can understand there concern, though in the 50 years I have been here, I haven't once harmed that city." He gestured towards Minas Tirith.


"I usually rest within my lair...but it can truly get so boring in there. I felt like stretching my wings today." He turned slightly, almost smirking at the "small" Elven Ranger. He looked back at the city.


"Ah, that’s what you wanted to know, I am willing to guess? Where I now make my home? You rangers hate not knowing the precise lay of the land." He let out a low chuckle.

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Name: Ent-Root

Age: 30

Race: Human

Alignment: Neutral

Occupation: Mercenary

Weaponry: Two Tomahawks(http://www.lewis.army.mil/123in/images/Crossed_Tomahawks.JPG)

History and bio: Father was a Guard at Minas Tirith, and was always pressured to be a guardsmen, never wanted to become one, so he ran away and was trained by a traveling group of bandits and was nicknamed Ent-Root becuase when in a fight he was never knocked over or moved.

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"Go. I will keep an eye on you while my stay in Minas Tirith, thought" ilenal said and jumped off the cliff, made a flip and landed on his horse. He rode out towards the city, knowing well the city would get bad news if Saurel decided to fight. There was no hurry for him now. Now he had much more important things to do here. A small falcon landed on the ranger's head. Ilenal gavfe it a piece of paper and off it went towards the nearest resting place of any part of the grey company... His brothers and friends, the rangers

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The arrows they fired harmlessly bounced off his skin. He snarled slightly in irritation at the disrespect.


He spread his great wings, preparing to fly away, but not before teaching them a valuable lesson. He flapped his wings rapidly, massive gusts of wind sweeping over the plains. The force of wind collided with the oncoming men, blowing many horsemen clean off the ground, and throwing almost everyone from horseback. Despite the power of it, he skillfully kept it from hitting Ilenal.


As the army was stunned by the sudden blast of wind, he finally lifted off, flying back towards his lair.

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Ent was slowly riding his horse towars Minas Tirith.

"why am i coming back here.....oh yeah, good money, i just hope no one recognizes me" Ent muttered and then continued to ride, when he saw a dragon in the distance blowing over some archers.

"hah, teaches them right" Ent had a past experience with dragons, he had learned to respect them and not bother them. Ent came up to the gate, it opened for him, and he rode on in.

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"Damn you dragon!" Vikinor yelled at Saurel. "We will get you one of these days!" Then he helped his fellow guardsmen get back on their horses. Only one was dead. He had ben crushed when his horse was blown back onto him.

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