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Massasi Warriors

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Alright, this is what happened:


I went back to Korriban to explore the cave. However when i got there, (due to a glitch or something) I found a couple of assassins blocking my way.


However, this time, they talked to me. The head honcho took off his mask and introduced himself as the last Massassi warrior in the galaxy.


I talked to him for a while and he tells me to meet his master (Exar Kun) at Yavin IV.


The next thing i know is that I am back at the Ebon Hawk and Yavin IV is one of the planets on my navigational computer.

I go to Yavin IV and make it to the Tomb of Exar Kun.


HOWEVER, the next thing I know is that I am attacked by a trillion Sith Assassins and the Game Over screen appears.


I go back to the beggining of Korriban but cannot meet the Massassi Warrior. Did you guys go through this as well??:confused:

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You say you


go to Yavin IV and make it to the Tomb of Exar Kun.


Thats quite impossible; "Yavin IV" is not in any of the game files. It has never been mentioned before ever in KotOR II. Neither is this "Massassi Warrior", and its also quite impossible for a Sith Assasin to "take off his helmet" as its not actually a mask, its his head model.


So unless all this is squirled away in some odd patch or secret file, you must have been drunk/ dreaming at the time.


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Are you ok there bro? :stick:


Originally posted by C. Skye

So unless all this is squirled away in some odd patch or secret file, you must have been drunk/ dreaming at the time.



Originally posted by Prime


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My Apologies,


I forgot to mention that I had downloaded a mod and this entire thread was aimed at those who had downloaded it as well.


The reason why Yavin IV does not appear in the files is because the maps for Dxun and Yavin IV are EXACTLY the same. The only difference is that the moddified Tomb is holding some very valuable goodies that I wanted to get my hands on.


That is all

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