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What ship is that?

Dagobahn Eagle

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Look at the LucasArts official site:


Shot 1, 40, 50, and 59. 50 is probably the best pic of reference, as you see them up close.


There are Imperator Class ships ("Normal" Star Destroyers), Immobilizer Class Interdictors, and Republican "wedge ships". But what are those smaller ships?


They're about corvette-size, from the look of them, so I assume it's some sort of anti-fighter craft? It's not a Lancer (effective against fighters) or a Strike Cruiser (very neat ships), and to be honest I don't think I've seen them before I saw them in this game.

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To me it seems they almost look like Carrack Light Cruisers up close, though they seem alittle large for that.


But then you have a better view of the one behind the 2 as you get a bright background (the planet) and it doesn't quite match up to the Carrack Light Cruiser design either. :/


I don't know what that is to be honest. Maybe something new?

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Yes, but it's fun to try and figure out what ships it is nontheless. :)

They do seem familiar, so that could very much be the case, Master_Cain.


Small comment: Not easy to see the exact lenght of it, but it looks almost as long as a Dreadnaught, perhaps alittle shorter, Nokill.

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I'm quite familiar with the Dreadnoughts or Carracks and that is not one of them - I recall well shoting them in the - TIE Fighter game - they were transporters - and I had to shot their containers or them. I belive they may also be now transport corvetes or something - who knows - but the small transport carrying wings under their belly and the design is very simmilar.


It's good to see the EaW team going so back for ship models - ahhhhhhhhhhh I hate the PR concepts - why I have to wait until after the Episode III for this secrecy to stop ?! - ohhhh well I will comply and keep my mouth shut :(

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You're thinking about another ship. There is none like that in Tie Fighters and I played it often enough.

There are ships that slighty ressembles those but these are too large to be them. They weren't cargo transport, it was called a system patrol craft I think.


EDIT: Here's a better look http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swempireatwar/images/screenshots/10.jpg

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Best picture of it yet.


I'm replaying my copy of Tie Fighter

Something good came out of this thread! I'm proud of myself!


It's not a pure freighter-craft, as far as I reason. It's possible that it's an armed freighter, but it's probably a corvette-class ship of sorts, designed to support larger vessels or give you some fire-power early on before you can build those mighy Imperators and Victories. You see them fire in one of the screen shots.


'm quite familiar with the Dreadnoughts or Carracks and that is not one of them - I recall well shoting them in the - TIE Fighter game - they were transporters

Dreadnaughts and Carrack Cruisers are definetly not freighters. They may have dubbed as them in a TIE Fighter mission, but they're warships. Trust me.

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And they weren't. Both the Dreadnought and Carrack cruiser were warships.


And he was talking about those weird ships. He recalls them as transporters in Tie Fighter...oddly, I don't remember them.


Your picture shows it quite clearly. There is none like that in Tie Fighter. A few ships do look a bit similar but nothing perfectly like that.

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Hmmm you guys seem right - it must be a small combat vessel - but the design I'm sure I have seen it in the TIE fighter - similaqr at least.


AHHHHHHHH got it - this new ship is an Episode III ship like the Aclamator - that is why we don't know it !


And nope that is not the Dauntless here it actually is :




Should I make a topic with all of them ?

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Ok if you guys whant to enjoy your eyes on SW hips try this two links :

Do you mean "SW ships"?;) (Teasing, no offense).


Who doesn't love the Quasar-class carrier (it's such a nice ship it could make you weep)? 4.JPG


The Escort Carrier, another... carrier (duh). Would maybe make a nice inclusion into EaW, but I guess that's too late now.



Strike Cruiser: Another one of my favourites.



Lots of nice ships there. The Lancer frigate, the Carrack cruiser, the Dreadnaught, the Assault Frigate... I could go on and on...

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They are Rebellion Remaded Cards :) fom a Rebellion Mod - kind of Rebellion II.


The first one is the Alliance Escort Carrier.


The second is the Imperial Escort Carrier - fully retextured to look like the 3D model.


And the last is corect - the Strike Cruiser :)

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