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Influence Cheat?

Torvan Raiker

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Hey um.. I've beaten the game twice (once as light, once as dark) without training -anyone- to be a jedi. Does anyone know if there's a cheap / cheat way to gain influence? I'd like to play it through again while trying to get a bunch of jedi, heh. I tried doing the setcharisma 99 thing, but it isn't enough, obviously.

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I always thought it was best to gain influence and dark/lightside points the way the creators intended, its more fun thatway, btu i guess people that cheat are just looking to constantly kill or something, or maybe its just the principal of not having everything at 100%? well anyway, if you put influence at 100% for everyone then youre missing a few conversations, after you have 100% there isnt much to say really.

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I've noticed several times in the PC version that I can repeat certain conversations with certain PC's and keep getting LSP's or Influence. I went in to modify Mira's Influence one time, after I got her and we'd talked a few times - doing the same conversation over by mistake - and her influence was at 90/100.


I've also noticed that with Kreia, right after the escape from Peragus, that if I keep telling her that "Atton has a name, and I wish you'd use it", I keep getting LSP's. I think I can inflate my LSP's that way and get LSMastery without touching Telos, but I haven't tried it. Maybe I will tonight...


Is this just me?


I believe that the walkthough posted by UGO has all the influence points already. It's at:





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Actually what I was thinking to do is a 100% accurate Influence guide detailing all the exact conversation options where you can gain/loose influence. I don't see this on their site. With findrefs i can figure out exactly where the scripts that add/remove influence are located...after this it is only a copy/paste job.

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