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[WIP] Jatku's PnP Workshop


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Greetings (again) everyone, and welcome to my PnP Workshop. *yells at the other jawas* - "quit gawking... get back to work!". *clears throat* Sorry about that, now where was I? Ah yes, welcome to the PnP Workshop. *grins*


Achilles was kind enough to give me a few gentle nudges towards returning to the Holowan moding community. Sooo, here I am! Seeing as I've an incredibly low self esteem and am prone to fits of jealousy I figured I needed a "WIP" thread since everyone else had one. *chuckles*


Being the lone survivor of the original, KotOR #1, PnP team and due to my inability to get our mod out before TSL's release I'm going to take a slightly different approach to my work for the sequel. My plan is to release small mods that each address the issues I have with a single facet of the game. Once a mod is released I'll wait till it's had a decent enough amount of time to receive feedback and be patched/adjusted accordingly. Only when I've released a (semi) final version will I move on to the next mod.


Also, instead of spending a significant amount of my development time running around like a mad man attempting to obtain permission to include material by other moders, I'll be posting a list of recommended 'add on' mods. I'll be sure to adjust my own work to play nice with any mods that I recommend.


If all goes well I'll periodically release KotOR #1 versions of the TSL mods In the hope of keeping the games as congruent as possible. So, any of you that were anticipating the original mod's release aren't entirely out of luck.


Keep an eye out for updates! :D






Our first TSL 'mini mod' has been released! Get the [second] beta here.


PnP Defense Bonus Mod

  • Adds a defense (AC) bonuses to the scout and tech specialist classes that increases with level.
  • Adjusts the level 1-20 AC bonuses of the core classes: scoundrel, scout, soldier, tech specialist, jedi consular, and jedi guardian to match the revised core rulebook.
  • Adjusts the level 1-20 AC bonuses of the expert droid class to match the expert class in the revised core rulebook.
  • Adjusts the level 1-20 AC bonuses of the combat droid to match the thug class in the revised core rulebook.
  • Adjusts the level 1-20 AC bonuses of the jedi sentinel class to be in line with changes made to the other core classes.
  • Adjusts the level 1-10 AC bonuses of the prestige classes: jedi master, jedi weapon master, and sith lord to match the revised core rulebook, power of the jedi sourcebook, and darkside sourcebook.
  • Adjusts the level 1-10 AC bonuses of the "sith" marauder to match the *sith warrior prestige class in the darkside sourcebook.
  • Adjusts the level 1-10 AC bonuses of the prestige classes: jedi watchman and sith assassin to be in line with changes made to the other prestige classes.
  • Removes the level 21+ AC bonus advancement of all the core classes.
  • Removes the level 11+ AC bonus advancement of all the prestige classes.

*We chose to use the sith warrior's table for the "sith" marauder instead of the darkside marauder's table because the marauder is meant to be a 'general' darkside class, not a sith class. Our plan is to eventually replace the "sith" marauder with the sith warrior prestige class.


Please note: All bonuses from the darkside sourcebook were taken from WotC's revised changes file.

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*Puts head down in shame at being one of the ill-fated members who dropped away from being usefull.*


This is good to see that your not giving up the ghost. I'll see what I can do about making my mods functional with your original planned scheme of the PNP mod.

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Originally posted by Jatku

Being the lone survivor of the original, KotOR #1, PnP team...


How do you figure that, Jatku? For myself, I wouldn't call it "dropping out" since I was finished with my work, and ready to move on... to doing the same things with Kotor 2. This time we've got an early start. And maybe this time we can reach a final product.


If you still want to do some work on Kotor 1, I'm all for that as well. I recently found out that, despite the fact I've beat the game a dozen times (or more), there's still a side quest I haven't completed. So I wouldn't mind playing through it again in conjunction with testing some mods.


PM or E-mail me if you've got something in mind.

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I wouldn't call it "dropping out" either Opera, I just meant that (as far as I knew) I was the only active member of the original team. I'm glad to know that I was mistaken. *smirks*


My first PnP based 'mini mod' for TSL is just about ready for release, I'll be sure you have the chance to give it a solid once over before it's posted.


I look forward to working with you again. :yoda3




Edited due to typoes.

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I just started work on the feats for each class that detail their new AC bonuses. As soon as I have these completed I'll be able to post the 'beta' version of the first mod. I've added several updates to my initial post.


Oh and a little late, but...

Thanks for the welcome back Drazin! :yoda4




Edited to remove outdated link.

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Hi Jatku,


I've been doing similar work with the 2da tables, although slightly different. For each of the base and prestige classes, I stretched the AC bonuses & Saving Throw Bonuses based on the interval they increase in the rulebooks. It gets pretty high; e.g. I think the Guardian's fortidute save gets up to 27 at level 50.


As far as the prestige class parallels, I really found nothing that resembled the Sentinel or Watchman, so I just tried to make them a balance between the Guardian-Consular and WeaponMaster-JediMaster.


For the dark side classes, however, I found striking similarity between the Sith Assassin and the Emperor's Hand, so I used that prestige class to set the AC bonus, Saving Throws, feat progression, etc.


I also redid the attack bonuses. You may have noticed, but the Obsidian build of TSL gives every Jedi class the same attack table (i.e. 1-20 over 20 levels, vice 1-15 for 20 levels). So Guardians have their combat edge over Conuslars and Sentinels.


I've done some playing around with feats, but mostly I've gotten interested in adding more force powers. For starters, I've put my "Battlemind" power (originally made for Kotor1 PnP) into TSL. I'm working on a new one also that allows the player to "Call Upon the Force". It's a power that'll be granted to all Jedi classes, and allow them to call on the light or dark side for bonuses to their skills/attributes/attack bonus etc. Ref Core Rulebook. If things work out well, calling upon the dark side will get you DS Points as well.


More to come...

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Originally posted by operagh0st

I also redid the attack bonuses. You may have noticed, but the Obsidian build of TSL gives every Jedi class the same attack table (i.e. 1-20 over 20 levels, vice 1-15 for 20 levels). So Guardians have their combat edge over Conuslars and Sentinels.


If I'm understanding your comment properly this would be because of the Epic Level D20 progression that says you get a +1 Epic BAB every level after 20 if I recall correctly.

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Originally posted by Darkkender

If I'm understanding your comment properly this would be because of the Epic Level D20 progression that says you get a +1 Epic BAB every level after 20 if I recall correctly.


Never head of "epic level d20"... I'm saying that everyone in TSL was using the exact same attack table (CLS_ATK_1.2DA) which gives a +1 BAB every level ...all the way to 50... which is way out of league for Consulars/Scoundrels/Scouts/Tech Specialist/etc...

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Originally posted by operagh0st

I'm working on a new one also that allows the player to "Call Upon the Force". It's a power that'll be granted to all Jedi classes, and allow them to call on the light or dark side for bonuses to their skills/attributes/attack bonus etc. Ref Core Rulebook. If things work out well, calling upon the dark side will get you DS Points as well.


Well, I whipped up a first draft of this power tonight and plugged it into SPELLS.2DA. It works fine except that it won't apply the bonus to the computer use skill.


Here's a summary of the actions and a sample of the code:


(this is adapted from the bonuses in the Core Rulebook, as it seemed vulgar to give a +7d6 at level 18-20... yikes... Darth Nihlus was easy enough to begin with!)


Light Side Summon


Light Side Power




A Jedi may call upon the Light Side of the Force to add bonuses to their attributes, saving throws, skill checks, attack, and defense bonuses. The bonus received is dependent on the level of the character level of the Jedi. The effect lasts for 20 seconds. Be warned, calling upon the Force drains a significant amount of Force Points, and may result in an alignment shift.


Level Bonus FPCost Alignment Shift

1-5 4 40 low

6-10 6 75 low

11-15 8 100 low

16-20 10 125 low

21-25 12 150 med

26-30 14 175 med

31-35 16 200 med

36-40 18 225 high

41-50 20 250 high


Dark Side Summon


Dark Side Power



A Jedi may call upon the Dark Side of the Force to add bonuses to their attributes, saving throws, skill checks, attack, and defense bonuses. The bonus received is dependent on the level of the character level of the Jedi. The effect lasts for 20 seconds. Be warned, calling upon the Force drains a significant amount of Force Points, and may result in an alignment shift.


Level Bonus FPCost Alignment Shift

1-5 8 25 low

6-10 10 50 med

11-15 12 75 high

16-20 14 100 high

21-25 14 150 high

26-30 16 200 high

31-35 16 200 high

36-40 18 250 high

41-50 18 250 high


As you see, calling upon the dark side gives you bigger bonuses earlier (just like the PnP) but pulls you further towards the Dark Side).


Understanding that Force Points are not earned and spent in the same way as the PnP game, I've compensated by charging alot of FPs for using the power. The cost is set in the script, and increases by the caster's level.


...and now for the code (just a hack of a buff script)


#include "k_inc_force"

#include "k_inc_debug"

#include "k_inc_utility"


void main()


object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject();

effect eBuff;

int CasterLevel = GetHitDice(OBJECT_SELF);


SignalEvent(oTarget, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, GetSpellId(), SWFP_HARMFUL));

eBuff = SetEffectIcon(eBuff, 7);

if(CasterLevel < 5)


eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectSkillIncrease(SKILL_COMPUTER_USE, 8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectSkillIncrease(SKILL_DEMOLITIONS, 8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectSkillIncrease(SKILL_STEALTH, 8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectSkillIncrease(SKILL_AWARENESS, 8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectSkillIncrease(SKILL_PERSUADE, 8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectSkillIncrease(SKILL_REPAIR, 8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectSkillIncrease(SKILL_SECURITY, 8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectSkillIncrease(SKILL_TREAT_INJURY, 8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_STRENGTH, 8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_DEXTERITY, 8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_CONSTITUTION, 8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_INTELLIGENCE, 8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_WISDOM, 8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_CHARISMA, 8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectSavingThrowIncrease(SAVING_THROW_ALL,8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectAttackIncrease(8));

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectDamageIncrease(8, DAMAGE_TYPE_DARK_SIDE));

ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectDamageForcePoints(25), oTarget);







...can anyone spot why the darn computer skill won't buff?

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Hmm, *thinks* so everything else buffs as intended accept the "computer use" skill? That's odd, I don't see anything wrong with your script. Than again I'm probably the worst scripter Holowan has to offer... in fact, I probably just violated universal law even referring to myself as a "scripter" *chuckles*. I'll do some testing of my own and let you know if I come up with anything.


I have to say, I really love the idea of taking the PnP character's ability to call upon either side of the force and adapting it to KotOR. I think your on the right track as well. Though, I do have a few concerns... for instance: couldn't the powers be miss-used to easily reach maximum light/dark status?

Originally posted by operagh0st

... Darth Nihlus was easy enough to begin with!

Perhaps the 'boss' NPCs could be setup to "draw upon the force" as they enter combat with the PC, at least the ones that would view the PC as a considerable threat. I'm not sure if that could be done in a seamless manor or not, but it's food for thought.


Keep up the great work Opera! :thmbup1:


PS: Do you plan on implementing a similar ability for non jedi characters?




Edited to fix formating.

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Originally posted by operagh0st

Never head of "epic level d20"... I'm saying that everyone in TSL was using the exact same attack table (CLS_ATK_1.2DA) which gives a +1 BAB every level ...all the way to 50... which is way out of league for Consulars/Scoundrels/Scouts/Tech Specialist/etc...


Ok if I understood your first post you were saying characters from lvl 1-20 use one attack table like CLS_ATK_3.2DA for example. Then if I understood further after 20th lvl so 21st lvl to 50th lvl they all use the same attack table CLS_ATK_1.2da.


Ok if I under stand right then the progression they are using is incorrect and may have been an oversite. As I had checked the Epic Levels Handbook for Dungeons & Dragons which applies to any D20 based system as the rules set provided in there is the foundation. The proper progression should be that every character after 20th lvl gets a +1 BAB every other level or a +1/2 BAB every Level rounded down.

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Originally posted by operagh0st



eBuff = SetEffectIcon(eBuff, 7);

if(CasterLevel < 5)


eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectSkillIncrease(SKILL_COMPUTER_USE, 8));


eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_STRENGTH, 8));


ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectDamageForcePoints(25), oTarget);







Some comments... :)


I assume the code is incomplete since you never actually apply the eBuff effect chain to any object, but...


GetPCSpeaker() would only work reliably if you call the script from a conversation. Use OBJECT_SELF to affect the caster of the force power.


If I was doing this I would use the level of the caster to calculate the appropriate bonus and then store that in a variable that is used when creating the effects, rather than repeat the effects creation for each upgrade level of the power. Makes the code a bit shorter. :)


You might also wish to check if the caster has enough force points left before triggering the power, since you handle the increasing FP cost in the script if I understand correctly.


Either that or make a chain of different force powers that upgrade as the Force User increases in level, and set the FP cost in the spells.2da file instead for each upgrade of the power. (Like Inspire Followers and Crush Opposition works for Jedi Masters och Sith Lords.)


As said it's fairly exploitable to have a Force Power that modifies your force alignment though, since you can cast it as much as you like. You could do some rather evil things bumping you all the way down to the edge of gray and then just cast Light Side summon a few times and you'd be back at max blue lightside again.

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Originally posted by Darkkender

Ok if I understood your first post you were saying characters from lvl 1-20 use one attack table like CLS_ATK_3.2DA for example. Then if I understood further after 20th lvl so 21st lvl to 50th lvl they all use the same attack table CLS_ATK_1.2da.


I meant they all use the same attack table from level 1 through 50.



Ok if I under stand right then the progression they are using is incorrect and may have been an oversite. As I had checked the Epic Levels Handbook for Dungeons & Dragons which applies to any D20 based system as the rules set provided in there is the foundation. The proper progression should be that every character after 20th lvl gets a +1 BAB every other level or a +1/2 BAB every Level rounded down.


I doubt it was an oversight; just something they did to make the game easier. I'll have to take a closer look at the BA tables for the other classes to see if the BAB goes up by 1 or 1/2 every level after 20.


Ultimately I intend to restore the spirit of the PnP game in respect to BAB; that is Soldiers & Guardians are better at combat than Scouts/Scoundrels & Sentinels/Consulars. If it weren't that way there wouldn't be much incentive to forsake the higher skills & force power progression.

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Originally posted by stoffe -mkb-

Some comments... :)


I assume the code is incomplete since you never actually apply the eBuff effect chain to any object, but...


Yes, what I posted was just a sample. The ebuff effect is at the end of the script.


GetPCSpeaker() would only work reliably if you call the script from a conversation. Use OBJECT_SELF to affect the caster of the force power.


Good point. Though I need to look back at k_inc_force.nss to get a better function for giving DS points; the function used initiates a pop-up that would quickly become annoying. However; I may stick with it if that's the only way to retain the visual effect (i.e. the red cloud of vapor that swirls around you)... i like that.


As said it's fairly exploitable to have a Force Power that modifies your force alignment though, since you can cast it as much as you like. You could do some rather evil things bumping you all the way down to the edge of gray and then just cast Light Side summon a few times and you'd be back at max blue lightside again.


Absolutely right. Although, the PnP Rulebook clearly states that calling upon the Dark Side of the Force will shift your alignment. (remember, it's seductive that way).


However, in subsequent versions, I will remove the LS point award... since it's not part of the Core Rulebook. That was really just something I tossed in 'cause I wrote the LS Summon script first, and wanted to make sure the effect would work.


Thanks for the advice.

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Originally posted by tomwaz

This 'draw on the force' power looks awsome!


When might these great mods come out?


Thanks tomwaz,


Jatku and I started this project orinially for KOTOR1, but we didn't reach a final version before TSL came out... so we're in the process of porting over our changes and expanding on them.


The "Force Summon" power will be part of the TSL PnP Mod (that's Pen 'n Paper for those who didn't know) as it's part of the core rulebook.


With the addition of the prestige classes to TSL there's now a whole lot more to research and tweak. Plus we'll be revisiting some of the loose ends we could never tie up in our first attempt; e.g. Skill Emphasis and Increase Lightsaber Damage feats.


With all the work yet to be done, I honestly have no idea when a release might be available. Jatku and I will also need to hammer out some ROEs (rules of engagement) for the editing responsibilities... and of course our interpretations of the Core Rulebook.


Jatku's made mention of releasing bits and pieces of the PnP mod, and that may be a good starting place for select features; such as new force powers or feats. I think it's safe to say that we can get those out much quicker.


I'll do some more work on the 'Force Summon' and 'Battlemind' powers this week and try to get those ready for release as a mini-mod.


But where's the place to host it? pcgamemods?


Jatku, do you have any webspace?


...more to come.

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Originally posted by stoffe -mkb-

... it's fairly exploitable to have a Force Power that modifies your force alignment...

*nods* I wanted to do the same thing with darkside powers in the original (unreleased) PnP mod, but decided against it for this very reason. The concept works well in the PnP game because their's no such thing as being 'max lightside' and thus no bonus for it. In fact, their's really no such thing as "lightside points" just the ability to 'work off' darkside points. Also, their are some considerable negatives for falling to the darkside.


Considering the matter for a second time has given me a few new ideas though. I think the concept could work in KotOR if you took it 'all the way' and adapted as much of the PnP's lightside/darkside system as possible. We could (if capable): remove the bonuses for being 'max lightside', remove all (both dark and light) force power cost modifiers for lightside characters, insure the force power cost modifiers (both positive and negative) for a darkside character are severe enough, award darkside points for using darkside powers/calling on the darkside, but not lightside points for using lightside powers/calling on the lightside, and include the posibility of (physical) stat degradation at max darkside.


What are everyone's thoughts on this?




Wow, I took such a long time typing up this post that Opera posted three times before I finished. *chuckles*


Edited because I'm slow. :p

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Originally posted by operagh0st

But where's the place to host it? pcgamemods? Jatku, do you have any webspace?

I'm looking into some hosting space of our own, but for now pcgamemods and lucasfiles will work. Achilles has also mentioned that he may be willing host a few 'mini mods' at his site until we find a home of our own. Though, I'd rather not use his space as he pays for his bandwidth usage.

Originally posted by operagh0st

... the PnP Rulebook clearly states that calling upon the Dark Side of the Force will shift your alignment.

Agreed, but if we award darkside points for calling on the darkside of the force then we should (as the rulebook states) also award them for using darkside force powers. Which isn't a bad idea as long as we're capable of at least some of the other adjustments I mentioned.


PS: Opera can you send me your modified acbonus.2da? I want to look over your adjustments and discuss our plans for the prestige classes before releasing the defense bonus mod.

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Originally posted by Jatku

Agreed, but if we award darkside points for calling on the darkside of the force then we should (as the rulebook states) also award them for using darkside force powers. Which isn't a bad idea as long as we're capable of at least some of the other adjustments I mentioned.



I've been thinking along the same lines. k_inc_force.nss gives us access to the scripts for all the force powers, so we can make it happen, but there's a ton of discussion to be done over the alignment shift inherent to using DS powers. We should carry on the conversation off the forums. I'll e-mail you.


PS: Opera can you send me your modified acbonus.2da? I want to look over your adjustments and discuss our plans for the prestige classes before releasing the defense bonus mod. [/b]


No prob. As I've said before, I stretched the AC and ST tables to match their intervals shown in the rulebook. It's pretty straight-forward. I'll send the rest I've done as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've uploaded the beta version of our PnP Defense Bonus Mod to my Earthlink webspace.


We decided to discard the feats detailing each classes new AC bonuses. Bioware and OE didn't see the need to include feats that document each classes save bonuses and In the PnP game a classes defense bonuses are gained the same way their save bonuses are.


If theirs enough people that want the feats I'll consider releasing an alternate version that includes them. Though, keep in mind, the feats are just 'flavor text' and we will probably end up putting those rows in the feats.2da file to better use.


Be sure to keep an eye on this thread. We'll be releasing a bunch more 'mini mods' as we work towards the full release.

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I just realized that the archive I uploaded to my webspace contained an earlier 'in progress' acbonus.2da file. I've replaced it with one that includes the proper (current) 2da file. If you've already downloaded the mod, please download it again.


I apologize for the inconvenience. :headbump

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