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I need some help form someone who havent compleated KotOR 2 on PC...

Darth n00b

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Here is what I need you to do:


Go to the Ebon Hawk and talk to Vissa.

When the camera is faced to her push "Print Screen".

Then save that as a .JPG....

When you have done that do the same with Kreia and post it on the internett so I can get it...


It is a reason for why I am asking about this, hopfully...

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Originally posted by Darth_Krow

To put it under the right Forum/Thread.


I believe he was asking the original poster why he needed the screenshots. Not why the thread was being moved. :rolleyes:


That said,

You get Kreia and visas pretty damn early in the game, so you shouldn't need anyones help unless you don't have the PC version.

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