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New Doctor Who


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Captain Jack Harkness is that dashing guy who was trying to make it with Rose in the trailer. He's sticking around. :confused:


The first Doctor was killed by the Cybermen. They've lost that episode, but the snippet of him regenerating still exists.


Oh, and while it appears the Doctor only regenerates into a new body when he dies... I'm assuming he can do it on will, and control what he looks like as well, if he really wants to. Because Romana did.


Romana was a companion of the fourth doctor, and a time lord. After six stories she regenerated, and she actually treated it like changing her clothes. She kept coming through the door with a different body and asking the Doctor 'so how about this one?'


Struck me as a little strange at the time...


We could still see how McGann died if in season 2 Tennant goes through time to help McGann and witnesses him dying and regenerating into Chris. There's your three doctors special right there. :)

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The reason I asked about the regeneration is because the Doctor was killed in that last episode, but he didn't regenerate. But maybe that was because the Tardis wasn't their, or because those things send people to a different time/dimension, or because he was torn up, not just killed.

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