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{WIP} Holonet Interface


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Ok, I've had a few requests to make a "Ebon Hawk Basement" or a "High Stakes Pazaak" or a etc. etc. etc. for TSL.


Instead of this I had a cool little idea. The Holonet Interface. The premise is you have this armband what spawns a holographic droid that interfaces with the armband to connect to the Czerka holonet mainframe (or whatever :D) and from there you have some options.


My original intentions were:

Construction bench


Med Lab

High Stakes Pazaak

and Online merchants


Now, I need some feedback - I'm debating if I should add in the online merchants or not. Would it be neat - or would it be too lame to have this on a portable device that you can have follow you around? I still kind of like the idea but I"m not sure - what do you all think?


ok, here are some screens to give you an idea what this might look like.






Once activated the droid will follow you around until you de-activate it. And you can talk to it at any time.


-I would like to quickly like to thank Xcom and Dak Vesser for looking into puppets. While this droid is not a puppet it does have puppet esque qualities - like following you around :)


If you like to see what they have done:


go here for Dak Vesser's Holo Droid Emiter armband


and here to see a lot of good info on puppets.


Alright - let me know what you all think - should I stick with the online store idea or scrap it????

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Originally posted by Jackel

An "Online" merchant sounds like a good idea. Would it be possible to script it so the items you buy off him/her/it are put in to a container on the Hawk after you buy them? Sort of like them being delivered.


Thats in interesting idea. I think I might have an idea how this might be accomplished - so, yeah - I will look into it!

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hehe, I"m notorius for high pricing - hehe.


everybody yelled at me for making the prices high with the Ebon Hawk Basement for Kotor 1 :D


My reasoning was, you pay more for the convience - plus you could get my high stakes pazaak mod and money wasn't an issue anyway :p


anyway, I'm slowly working on it - I"m going to look into the "package delivery" idea, we'll see what happens.

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That's a very good idea...

Go ahead and we'll see what you can made out of this. You definitly have my support for this. :D


Appart from the high price could it be possible to script a delay for the delivery ?

You are travelling across a whole galaxy so the delivery can't be as fast as if you were travelling across a single planet... You've guessed the point.

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I though about having some sort of delay, but I think this would just get tiresome after a while - after all the delivery service should have space ships that travel at hyperspeed - right?!?!? :p


I think if I get the delivery thing to work you will have your item the next time you board the hawk - or if you're on the hawk - it would be there instantly. Maybe the UPS in this galaxy has come up with a ship to ship transporter or something :D


anyway - I'm not even sure if the delivery thing will work at all yet. We shall see - I'll probably work on it more this weekend.

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Well, can you put unlimited amounts of the best merchandise in the game? Don't mind the premium pricing, but when I go rifling through containers on several worlds, I keep finding cheap ass stuff even though I'm on the difficult level. So can you add stuff like Darth Malak's armor and stuff? Thanks in advance!


Great idea though. Seriously.

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Originally posted by Sandwyrm

Well, can you put unlimited amounts of the best merchandise in the game? Don't mind the premium pricing, but when I go rifling through containers on several worlds, I keep finding cheap ass stuff even though I'm on the difficult level. So can you add stuff like Darth Malak's armor and stuff? Thanks in advance!


Great idea though. Seriously.


thats the plan stan!

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hey shosey!


This is an amazing idea!


keep to the delivery idea, its a good idea.


seeing as this is a Czerka item, that on a minor few should posses, maybe have like a limit say:


you use it about every 5 times (eg 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30...etc), then 3 Czerka troopers come and attack you for having this item, maybe add some dialog, have the person that talks to you an alien so you could have voice in there as well! then it would be a class mod!


also, when your in the ebon hawk and you use the interface, you remember the Star Forge replication visuals? maybe use them as a sign that they've been delivered?


just my two pence :cool:



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Originally posted by MattColejk

hey shosey!


This is an amazing idea!


keep to the delivery idea, its a good idea.


seeing as this is a Czerka item, that on a minor few should posses, maybe have like a limit say:


you use it about every 5 times (eg 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30...etc), then 3 Czerka troopers come and attack you for having this item, maybe add some dialog, have the person that talks to you an alien so you could have voice in there as well! then it would be a class mod!


also, when your in the ebon hawk and you use the interface, you remember the Star Forge replication visuals? maybe use them as a sign that they've been delivered?


just my two pence :cool:




hmm, I like some of these ideas. Not sure if I'll try to work in Czerka bounty hunters tracking you down or not - but - the item created visual when in the hawk would be very cool!


Ugh! If I didn't have to work and I didn't have freinds up from outta town - I'd be working on this right now!!!! :D


anyhow - I hope I can get the delivery working at any rate! If not, the items will have to spawn on you instantly - and that might be a little strange.

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awesome idea! if you end up with the items being delivered to a container on the Hawk, i vote you change it's label to 'mail slot.' (hey HK, get the mail!)

it'd be interesting if you expanded on this by putting certain items into the merchant's inventory based on skill levels or feats...or if you could repeatedly 'hack' the online merchant to get to 'restricted items,' something along the lines of how the Yavin Merchant in KotOR1 gave you more items as the plot progressed, except instead of telling space-lizard pirates to leave people alone, you use up computerspikes. (or hack to get a discount:P)

...i guess it'd have to be regulated in some way, like the PC being refused access to online markets if he'd hacked them too much, or maybe just get some bounty hunters after the PC or something.

of course, scripting random bounty hounter encounters isn't exactly what you started out to do...

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Originally posted by coaxmetal

... it'd be interesting if you expanded on this by putting certain items into the merchant's inventory based on skill levels or feats...


I was actually thinking about doing this. So perhaps it will be so! :D

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Great idea. I like! I think it would be better if your party members commented on the "cheapness" of it all every-so-often. I mean it is cheap with you having a droid follow you around EVERYWHERE with all the ultimate items a click away... maybe restricting it from the end game world, and the

Telos Academy

and other places like that would make it more believable??


Just my 2 cents-Yoink

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