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Bounty pack help


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Hello. Apologies if this is an old subject, the search facility doesn't seem to work and I haven't found a thread on this in the recent history.


I've just bought the MI Bounty Pack edition over ebay. However, I can't get MI1 or MI2 to work at all. I'm running Windows XP.


I would of course expect this from the original versions but surely not for one designed to work on Windows95.


My question therefore is, what is the best way of getting the games to both run AND play the CD music?


I've read that they work with scummvm but that you have to copy the files to the hard drive and the CD audio tracks don't work.


Failing any solution that'll get it to work on XP and without having to resort to installing 95, does anybody know of a Windows 95 emulator or any general tips about getting Windows 95 games to run in XP?


Thanks for your help.

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From what I've read and what I can see when I run it, scummvm doesn't seem to support the Bounty Pack version of MI2 or any other CD version and only supports the Bounty Pack version of MI1 with a lot of fiddling about with filenames to make it think it's the other CD version.


Quite frankly, since I paid for the nice shiny original disks I want it to work as it was intended to work - put CD in - click - play.


Yeah, I know :)


I've been fiddling with emulators and Windows settings since the beginning of Windows95 to try to get older games to work properly, I know it's a fantasy.


The trouble is, although I wouldn't mind for myself, these games were bought as a present and it would be nice to find the simplest solution fo a non-techie.


I've decided to partition my HD (again) and install Win98. I don't have 95 on CD and I hope to God that it works on 98!! If not I'll install another Linux distro there instead.


Trouble is, I bought the Bounty Pack as a gift for my non-techie girlfriend and I don't think she'd appreciate me putting a Win95 partition on her precious laptop!


Thanks for the link anyway!

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You're only option really, is ScummVM. Yes, these games were designed for Windows 95, but in all fairness, the Bounty Pack came out way before XP and didn't really account for the fact that XP has been built so almost all old DOS based games won't work.


I nice frontend for ScummVM is ScummVM Q+E. It's basically the same thing (infact it is the same thing, it downloads files directly from the SCUMMVM website, it's just a frontend) but it has a nice GUI interface.


It can be found in the downloads section here.


Basically, it should be easy to use, for Monkey Island 1, select MI1 VGA CD (alternate) and find the path on the CD and so on and then, run it just to test it. If it doesn't work, go back to this program and select MI1 VGA CD (not alternate, although it won't say this) and try again. Make sure the path name is correct (for MI1, it'll be D:\MONKEY1 assuming D is you're cd drive), and other than that, the other options are stirctly optional, but I would suggect FM towns sound mode and pretty much any graphic. You may also want to run it in full screen as that option automatically not checked.


If it does work, run the program again and click on the game in the list, you'll find that all settings have been saved, so just click on Create Shortcut so a shortcut for the game with all of these setting will be put on the desktop. This way, your girlfriend won't have to run this program all the time, just double click on that shortcut to make it run properly.


Put CD in - Click - Play


For MI2, just choose MI2 from the list and do the same with the path and so on.


Remember to have this program run in the same folder as all of your scummvm files, but the easiest way to do this is to run the program and just click on update and then daily build.


Hope this helps.


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