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Some problems with the Dantooine "Redemption" quest

Darth Aleera

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I'm playing on Dantooine and is the first time that I've got a quest called "Redemption" (or something similar, I'm re-translating in English from a foreign Kotor II translation). It says that

"In Dantooine Jedis have a reputation even worse than in other parts of the galaxy..." and says that's necessary to make people feeling differently. First time I played DS, thinking that after siding the mercenaries the quest will be removed as failed. That didn't happened. So I sided the colonists to see if finally that will be removed, and after the quest it didn't, even with the LS ending on Dantooine chapter.

It's necessary playing LS in every quest on Dantooine, or in some particular points, or is instead only another annoying bug not corrected before Kotor II releasing?

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Originally posted by Darth Aleera

It's necessary playing LS in every quest on Dantooine, or in some particular points, or is instead only another annoying bug not corrected before Kotor II releasing?

Yet another glorious bug ;)


Even if you do "whatever" you're supposed to do to redeem the Jedi, the journal quest entry will never go away. You'll pretty much have to keep referring back to your Journal feedback and such to keep tabs on it.. :)

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Seems that bugs are the most annoying thing in Kotor II, and are like a constant through the game. I admit that having played Kotor I during last summer, I patched the game immediately after the installation (so I think that all major bugs were immediately resolved), but I never felt a sensation of "something incomplete" as in Kotor II

e.g. assassin droids not added factory, Citadel-Vogga fuel quest, Telos military base sublevel, Nar Shaddaa port rooms marked on the map in which is impossible to enter, the horrible (and I think unfinished) ending,

et cetera. I really hope that the patch will resolve all problems.

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Originally posted by Darth Aleera

I really hope that the patch will resolve all problems.

I think we're all anticipating the mysterious "patch" ;)


But in the meantime, though it's not a patch per se, this thread might be of some interest to you.


It's not complete, but it's definitely a ray of hope and something to look forward to (at least we know this one is actually being worked on hehehe) :D



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Originally posted by tk102

Hi there.


I'm working on getting Journal Entries to be editable in KSE. It's about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way finished. I know it's not a very satisfying way of dealing with these bugs though.


Your KSE editor is really well done, and considering that these journal bug are really unpleasant, this new feature will be very useful. Thanks!

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It's really a good news to know that someone is working to restore the cut Kotor II material. I know that’s a bit strange, but I'm a little worried because for me that means another problem... I'm not a native speaker of English (I think that is easily recognizable because of my horrible English) and playing restored parts not translated will be not so easy. But that's anyway better than the uncompleted Kotor II as it's now.

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  • 4 weeks later...




If you have a journal entry that is in your journal that doesnt go away it might be for two reasons. One, you just have a bug and even if you do whatever it is you must to redeem the jedi it just never goes away or two theres supposed to be something you could do to redeem the jedi but like alot of other things it was cut out of the game. That just seems like the only two viable options to me. Unless you skipped some quest on Dantooine or said the wrong thing to somebody there.




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