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Question about "k_inc_force.nss"...


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Hi all !


Recently, I opened one of the SW : KotOR's internal files - "k_inc_force.nss" - to modify Force Stasis power's properties in order to change effects applied to the PC when he's affected by this Force power.

I was surprised to find few codes concerning its parameters, but there's a section named "EFFECT_PARALYZE", which intrigues me. Consequently, I would wish to know how I can modify this effect's settings.


I hope you'll help me...


Thanks to you !...

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Originally posted by Leviathan


but there's a section named "EFFECT_PARALYZE", which intrigues me. Consequently, I would wish to know how I can modify this effect's settings.


The EffectParalyze() constructor does not take any parameters, and as such the effect has no "settings". All it does it to paralyze the creature it is applied to, unless that creature is immune to paralysis (i.e. Lvl 12+ Jedi Sentinels).


The only variation is the EffectCutSceneParalyze() constructor that creates a paralysis effect that bypasses paralysis immunity but otherwise works just like the normal one. (This is what was used by Bioware and Obsidian for those immersion-breaking cutscenes where a Sentinel protagonist gets stuck in a stasis field regardless.)

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In fact, I just want to know what part(s) of the Force Stasis' script (Present in the "k_inc_force.nss" file) specifies(y) that the PC won't be able to move when he's affected by this Force power.

I think that this part is the "EFFECT_PARALYZE" section, that's why I asked where I could find the settings related to this effect. (Like what moves the PC can't use when he's paralyzed, the move he does when he's affected by the stasis, etc...)

But if this "EFFECT_PARALYZED" constructor does not have any parameters, what section prevent the PC from running, walking, etc... ?

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Originally posted by Leviathan


But if this "EFFECT_PARALYZED" constructor does not have any parameters, what section prevent the PC from running, walking, etc... ?


This is handled internally by the game code and not in script. The effects are kind of pre-packaged actions that the scripting language can apply to objects. What the effects actually do is not scripted, but a part of the game engine.


You can't change what an effect does beyond any parameters the constructor takes (for example the amount of damage and damage type for an EffectDamage effect).

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