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SW:KotOR: Darkness of the Force!

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The missiles hit the side of the cliff causing it to vigourously shake, micel and kalen managed to keep their balance only for an avalanch to begin on the mountain they were on. The floor from beneth their feet began to move and fall down the other side of the mountain. They were caught in the middle of it as the snow and ice smashed on to the planets surface along with kalen and micel. The sheer strength of the fall caused Kalen to become unconcious. micel then used the force to help slow their landing before they hit the floor this took alot of energy causing him to collapse unconsious next to kalen after they safly landed.

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Nomi was knocked unconius but steven was still awake.


Steven-sith spit.


He stood up and saw the ship hovering above a ledge. Steven quickly drew his blasters


Lexi-I see your still alive. That wouldnt be the matter for long. My master shall kill you

Steven-I'll see about that.


The ship turned away and moved away slowly. Steven quickly actived a locating becon and placed it in pocket. Next he threw his locator next to the cunconus body.


He next pulled out his grappel hook and grappeled to the ship. The ship fly back into the mountain with steven grappeled on to it. Lexi didnt notice

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Micel began to come through on top of the snow and ice from the avalanch as he raised his head he saw a dark jedi standing on over him. Behind the dark jedi was 20 sith troops pointing their weapons at the already fully concious kalen and Micel. The dark jedi was holding kalen and micels lightsaber as to taunt them.


Dark Jedi- "So the jedi has awoken."


He signaled to the guards to grab both Kalen and Micel, they approached them and put them both in restraints. The darkjedi led the sith and prisoners to there bace, it was underground. The two jedi were taken strait to the force cages.

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Nomi-I did. But you were gone for months. I was worried about you.


The sith trooper who was guarded them walked out for a coffee break and a new one walked into. He walked towards the jedi


Sith trooper-When i leave im heading to the controll room. I'm going to relise you. You need to meet me outside so i can use the Falcons Child to send this room in ashes. Good luck.


He left

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A few minutes later the force cages dectived and the restraints lost power.


Nomi- We need our gear...and clothes. Its freezingin here.


she walked to the door and then ran to the next one


Nomi-They're both locked. Wait, is that the armory? it looks open


She pointed towards a door in the corner of the room

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Echui- "While i was working undercover on nar shaddar i was searching for Imformation on the wareabouts of the sith and i met with some success. Unfrotunetly, While on Nar shaddar i discovered an underground sith unit who were recruiting refugees from the mandalorian wars. When i tried to stop them i was captured and brought here."

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Nomi grapped some clothes,pushed the boys out the armory.


Nomi-Sorry boys but i need to get changed*she shut the armory door. a few minutes later the door reopened. Nomi was wearing a some sort of armor with a cape on the back. She had one lightsaber in her hand and a blaster in the other* I'm ready

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Sith-took u long enough.


The sith was on a consel


Sith-I've opened all sercity doors. You should have a clear run outside. Get in the falcons child, witch i landed over the hills. Go in there and wait for me. I'm activating the self destruction codes.*under breath* i cant beleive thos idots but a self destruction thingy

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