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Hey is there a way i can do like a 10 day - 15 day or even a 1 day trial.... i don't know if i want to buy this game and i dont' like to buy something and then find out i dont' like it... i love star wars but i also care about how the community is etc. etc. in FFXI it was good but at that moment i could not afford it monthly but i was thinking of trying this



Anyway i can get a trial?

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wel LukeKatarn they have a 2 month for 30 i know its' the same as a monthly fee but since oyu pay it at once it's not like your paying every month ya know also ragnarok online has an 8 dollars for 30 hours.... and most people who are not bored (i am in the bored/nothing to do category) won't be on more than 30 hours and that's 30 hours for 6 months (yea that's the downside i guess)

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