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litle problem with item names


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first sorry for my english!


Second, I have created and downloaded some items for kotor2.

In the game they have no names. Is this normal? Or can somebody tell me whats wrong??





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Originally posted by BuFu

Second, I have created and downloaded some items for kotor2.

In the game they have no names. Is this normal? Or can somebody tell me whats wrong??


I guess this has to do with localization if you have a non-english game. If those who made the items have the english version of the game they've likely only set the name for the english locale. It's possible that KotorTool also only sets the english name, though I don't know for sure.


(All CExoLocString text in the game (such as item names) have one version for every language the game ships in. The game will pick the correct text to use depending on the language setting of the game using the file. If no string is set for a particular language it would likely display as a blank name.)

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I'm not sure as to if it would work for you but in the newest version of KOTORtool I noticed it did have an option field dealing with "set language" . You might be able to utilize that somehow to help yourself on the "non-natural" language mods that you download. Hope that little bit of info helps :)

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