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Real Darth Nihilus Released!

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Well, after a bit more work today, I have finished my Nihilus reskin.


Get it here:












Most of all enjoy Nihilus' new evil look. :)

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i personally am going to stick with my Medievil skin for Nihilus that i got on PCgamemods (it had no screeny tho, i think it was recent so just look for it). This reminds me of what ppl used to do for Malak in KotOR 1...its a nice skin and if it werent for the overall kickass-ness of hte one i have i would so use this!

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Glad you all like it. First off, as posted above, this mod changes Nihilus-it does not allow the PC to wear his robes. I just used a disguise item to appear as him to make the screens. Secondly, I was going to up his stats to make him more powerful (since he was a wimp), but the ultimate saber mod in addition to giving him a custom lightsaber, is already going to make him much more powerful so I decided to let them handle it. ;)

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Originally posted by DarthRevan2102

ive wanted to play the game as Nihilus.... but i didnt wanna meet up with him in the end n look like a clone.... is there a way i can set this model to use as a robe and let the real Nihilus keep his original model?


If you mean as a disguise it could be possible. It would require some .2da editing and possibly some hex editing of Nihilus's model. Since I don't want to highjack this thread PM me and I'll guide you through it.

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Originally posted by Darth Stryke

Glad you all like it. First off, as posted above, this mod changes Nihilus-it does not allow the PC to wear his robes. I just used a disguise item to appear as him to make the screens. Secondly, I was going to up his stats to make him more powerful (since he was a wimp), but the ultimate saber mod in addition to giving him a custom lightsaber, is already going to make him much more powerful so I decided to let them handle it. ;)


Yeah the Nihilus in game was very weak, I'll bet upping his stats a little wouldn't hurt too much even with his lightsaber being released soon. I beat him on 1st try each time on difficult setting. Good work though :D

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I also agree that Nihilus was a wimp...a nice new saber +stats will be nice. Personally I don't think they developed Nihilus well AT ALL. They showed us some background of Sion and Traya but Nihilus was just this menacing figure that attacked ONCE and got beat the FIRST ENCOUNTER not to mention he didnt even put up a fight...i mean he was supposed to be this all powerful soul sucking madman! I love the character but he was nowhere near as menacing as Malak (story wise)

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