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my 2nd mod, i'd like to know what you all think


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hello. a little while ago, i released my 2nd mod. i posted it here, and later on, further down the thread, i posted pics. i haven't received much feedback, especially not as much as i did for my first mod.


so i just want to ask for some opinions on my mod, based on both the pics i posted and/or using the mod. what do you guys think? how could it be improved in any respect?


here is the thread with the mod links:



i do plan on releasing updated versions so any opinions are greatly appreciated. thanks.

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Two things:


1) In the interest of keeping the forum clean, you probably could have posted this message in your original release thread. You now have 2 threads for 1 mod :(


2) Get used to limited (if any) feedback. People rarely take the time to tell you if your mod is broken, let alone if they love it and think it's the greatest thing ever.


Modding is an artform and like all artforms should be thought of as self-expression. An artist who creates from within then stops to seek the approval of those around isn't much of an artist and is going to end up frustrated.


My advice (FWIW) is this: make your mod the way you want it. If you feel like it, release it. If you recieve criticism or praise, accept both gracefully and with a grain of salt. As long as you like your mod, that all that matters.


Thanks for reading.

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i wasn't seeking approval, trust me alright, i just wanted ideas that my own perspective might not have seen/thought of. i am new too modding and am always willing to be more open-minded than "i like, all that matters, you no like, forget you".


i have found this forum as a valuable resource and as such, was just trying to see if i could of become more skilled from the input of those more experienced than myself. you are right in saying that if i like it than that is all that should matter, but i was looking for ppl to say "oh you made Yoda, great idea, you l33t". i was looking for ways to better my own idea that i like so much, ways that i may not yet have the skill to do or might not yet of known was possible.


also, i apologize if my enthusiam over adding Yoda to a game that did not have him is too apparent.






on a side note: i noticed that my links to the pics dont seem to work anymore. i will try to remedy that.

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