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I feel for you man. I was lucky, XW:A works for me in XP no problems. Was it working prior to XP?


You didn't say which NVidia driver version you are using, the most recent I believe being the 21.85s.


You might also try making sure you have the latest VIA 4-in-1s, which I think still apply to XP. I have to get the most recent ones myself, 4.34s.


Not sure what else to try. If I think of anything I'll come back.



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I updated the motherboard's buis... I'm using all of the latest drivers... I'm using all of the most recent drivers available. All that happens when I try to run the game is that I get a black screen which soon flashes back to the desktop.


Anyone have any more ideas? Anyone else having this problem?


I don't think I tried Alliance on this computer before I installed XP.

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  • 3 weeks later...

new problem! I've gotten the game to start, now I can't get past the intro as it says "joystick not detected". I definetly have a working joystick... I use it in several other games. It doesn't see my gameport/analog one nor my usb/digital one.


I'm actually having similar problems with X-Wing too.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In most cases of games in XP that I have had problems with, setting the compatibility mode to Windows NT 4 (Service Pack 5) has fixed the problem. I know you said you tried that with the game exiting problem, but did you try it with the joystick problem?


Also, which controller are you using?

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I've tried every combination I can think of... something I've done now, I can still hear the blip of the joystick error message, but now after the intro plays the thing just crashes to desktop.


I have two joysticks... neither is recognised. One is a standard 4 button, 3-axis, + hat analog joystick. The other is a digital USB one.

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Yeah, I hear ya. Windows XP and XWA don't like each other. Whenever I try to run Alliance, it flashes a black screen, flashes black again, and then drops me back to desktop. I've tried compatibility modes, different video and monitor drivers, and different desktop resolution settings, but no luck. I guess next im going for the motherboard\via 4in1 drivers. Where can i get the 4-1 drivers?



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  • 3 months later...

I'm running on Pro and haven't had any problems (installed an old copy from three years ago on it a couple of days ago). The only updates that I use are the "windows update" files. I'm not sure if using other files, such as reference drivers, makes a difference or not.



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I had this very same problem today on reinstalling xwa for the first time in ages onto 2 newly upgraded machines, both with xp. On the machine with XP-Home, xwa (2.02) ran ok, but refused to detect my 3d card, and so ran in software mode. Setting the app as "Windows 200 compatible" fixed that.


However, on the other machine with XP-Pro I had the black screen and return to desktop just as you described. I tried all the usual hardware updates, compatibility settings etc, no difference. I then reinstalled xwa and only patched it to 2.01 and it worked just fine, so whatever "enhancements" they put in for 2.02 evidently make some XP installations croak. But it's not lke Lucasarts are going to do anything about it now is it, heh


I know the thread was started 6 months ago, but hopefully this'll be of some use to someone :)

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  • 5 months later...
Originally posted by Ming

I had this very same problem today on reinstalling xwa for the first time in ages onto 2 newly upgraded machines, both with xp. On the machine with XP-Home, xwa (2.02) ran ok, but refused to detect my 3d card, and so ran in software mode. Setting the app as "Windows 200 compatible" fixed that.


"Setting the app"? N00b question: How the hell do you do that? Cause I have the exact same problem in both XWA and XWvsTIE on my XP Home machine (which is my only machine, so....:mad: ) Please help me....


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  • 3 years later...
  • 5 months later...

bit late, but useful, i think.

steps are:


1. find the executable for the game

2. right click and select properties

3. in the compatability tab, check the box that says "Run this program in compatability mode" and select Windows 2000 from the drop down list.

4. click okay, and try running the game again.

5. if that doesn't work, try the NT4 service pack 5 setting.

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  • 1 month later...
bit late, but useful, i think.

steps are:


1. find the executable for the game

2. right click and select properties

3. in the compatability tab, check the box that says "Run this program in compatability mode" and select Windows 2000 from the drop down list.

4. click okay, and try running the game again.

5. if that doesn't work, try the NT4 service pack 5 setting.


I've had the same problem too... I tried to make this changes but the game didn't run on winxp... in fact when I launch the game I recive the message: "Wrong disc inserted". Moreover I patched the game to the 2.02 version but I always have the same problem!!!!!

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I've had the same problem too... I tried to make this changes but the game didn't run on winxp... in fact when I launch the game I recive the message: "Wrong disc inserted". Moreover I patched the game to the 2.02 version but I always have the same problem!!!!!


This may seem silly, but try using the 2nd disc after you get this (it will still say "Wrong disc"), then reinserting the first one...that may force the game to read it as the "right" one.

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This may seem silly, but try using the 2nd disc after you get this (it will still say "Wrong disc"), then reinserting the first one...that may force the game to read it as the "right" one.


Damn it!!! XWA doesn't run..... I can't understand what could be the problem!!! (But don't worry: that weren't a bad idea! Thanks anyway)

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Hey, I've just reinstalled XWA.... I followd your instructions, I patched the game but now i recive this message:


ERROR: Unable to load function: FT_Exit8 (KERNEL32.dll)


My Pc needs a doctor as soon as possible!!!

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