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Vader 2.2 (with troopsupport)


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Here is a link to the very latest VaderVM. Now the model has not changed much (except the skins from 2.1), but here is the kicker... Vader now has storm trooper support! Gawd I dont know if anyone has done this already, but I thought it was pretty cool to lead a squad through a single player level, and lay waste to everything that moved! Hope you all get a chance to check it out.




Here is a screenshot



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Originally posted by <|EJK|>Twingo

zappa didnt you gave marz youre vader version.......the thing with lights.......maybe he can make it to this version >:)


Yeah, I heard someone was doing light shaders for the control box... I would have done it, but I just couldnt figure that out. So Zappa you working on something like that? Mars out

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Originally posted by <|EJK|>Twingo

he finished it already marz.....only not for the new new new model v2.0 and higher


Well, I think (knock on wood) that 2.2 is the final one. unless more problems pop up. I hope he considers updating the shaders to the new version. I imagine ive created a nightmare with my shaders as it is. Has he released the his shadered version? Mars out

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Originally posted by NeoMarz1

Well, I think (knock on wood) that 2.2 is the final one. unless more problems pop up. I hope he considers updating the shaders to the new version. I imagine ive created a nightmare with my shaders as it is. Has he released the his shadered version? Mars out


ask zappa about it.....i deleted that vader model by accident. :(

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