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Taina Replacer Problem !!!


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I'm experiencing problems while replacing models with this tool...


I follow the instructions in the readme to the letter and the models i'm editing won't show in the game or at least the modifications i have made on them won't show. In fact i don't know where the models shown come from since they are not looking like the default in game model and they don't look like mine either.


For exemple modifying a head model to make the nose and the face thinner, i get in game the same default model from the game i'm trying to replace but with some faces erased or transparent so i can see through them... No matter the amount of modification i made to the model or the importance of them i always gets the same in game models with the same holes in it...


I have ckecked every step of the replacing process and i don't understand what i'm doing wrong... Basically i only do what svösh has done and shown in Darkkender's thread about the same tool (here).

I only move vertex or make some small overall or non uniform scaling...


I don't understand....

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Could anyone help with this ?

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Originally posted by lord_yig

I follow the instructions in the readme to the letter and the models i'm editing won't show in the game or at least the modifications i have made on them won't show. In fact i don't know where the models shown come from since they are not looking like the default in game model and they don't look like mine either.


Perhaps a stupid suggestion since you say you followed the instructions exactly, but did you save both the MDL and the MDX with the replacer? The UI is a bit unintuitive in that you need to click the "Start Replacing" button twice, and then change the filter yourself in the Open dialog box to save the MDX.


I've noticed something roughly similar to what you describe when I forgot that second step and only saved the modified MDL with Replacer and not the MDX.

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Originally posted by stoffe -mkb-

Perhaps a stupid suggestion since you say you followed the instructions exactly, but did you save both the MDL and the MDX with the replacer?

I do save both files that's why i don't understand why it doesn't work...


I don't know if this has something to do with my problem but in the readme it is said to remove all objects which are not to be modified. And i'll erase all unneeded objects except from the geo mesh i want to replace, the Ngon object and the aurora base...

Maybe my mistake came from here ? Do i need both those object ?

Because without the aurora base i guess it is impossible to export the mdl...

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Originally posted by lord_yig

I do save both files that's why i don't understand why it doesn't work...


I don't know if this has something to do with my problem but in the readme it is said to remove all objects which are not to be modified. And i'll erase all unneeded objects except from the geo mesh i want to replace, the Ngon object and the aurora base...

Maybe my mistake came from here ? Do i need both those object ?


I didn't remove anything from the model in gmax when I modified one of the body models. The modified model worked fine in the game anyway.


In the replacer however I only checked the skinmesh that I had moved vertexes in, in the checkbox list, and left everything else unchecked.

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The best thing to do is hide the objects in the scene instead of deleting them, work on your model then export it. When you have the ascii loaded in the tool just select the mesh that you worked on. (an important note*do not rename any of the mesh in max)


Then start the replacer load the old binary mdl then type the name for the new one and save. Then repeat that for the mdx.


If your model is invisible in game it is possible that the model is corrupt. the only thing you can do then is to try it again.

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Well, thanks guys for the anwers...

It helped me to try several times to modify the model i want to replace but without success so far...

Same problem and same error !!!


I have followed every advice you've gaved me and the result is the same !!!

Ha ! I'm very annoyed with this, damn it...



I'll try to re-install totaly the game and to restart the modifications from scratch since i also get some strange errors with the game without any file in my Override folder : some references to some of my twilek heads for exemple, they still show when i go in the new game menu and the character selection screen... Maybe this is due to my saves... i don't get it....

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If you removed the mods completely you should not be getting errors with the messed up heads still being there in the Character gen screen.


one thing I noticed when useing taina's replacer is that if you dnon't do everything exactly then it will give an error for no good reason(in my mind at least) It might help to restart the app if you do get the error more than once.


Are you deleting or changeing the names of any of the mesh's or are you just moving some verts then exporting the model.

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Originally posted by T7nowhere

Are you deleting or changeing the names of any of the mesh's or are you just moving some verts then exporting the model.

I'm only moving verts and scaling some verts selections (which is the same in fact)... I do not rename or delete anything...


I have reinstalled the game completly, without backing up my saves, damn it !!! Now i have to play again so i can test everything !!! Or may i add some NPC to my partry with the KSE ??? I'll test that...


EDIT : I have tested again with another head model : PMHA01... And i got another error while testing it in game...

There must be something wrong in the replacing process...

i'll try to test again with the exact same model mentioçnned in the readme...

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I have made more tests... without success...:mad:

I don't understand i must have missed something...



I've used both uniform and non-uniform scaling... Together, one at a time, and even none of those two, taking time to make the same adjustement as with the scale tool but simply by moving the verts using the move tool and by changing coordinates...

Getting from failure to failure, i'm in the mood to give it up....... :(

I can't find any errors in the process i'm using to modify and replace the coord in the compiled model.


:confused: Confused i am :confused:


Maybe i have a problem with my hardware or the files or something... ???


I want to modify Bao-Dur Head so if anyone want to help me with this i'll be glad to send him either the ascii version of the new model or the gmax file or even better both...


With the modification i have made i know it is possible to give Bao-Dur an overall better (and meaner) look with longer horns, thinner cheeks and nose.

It is also possible to make different Zabrak Heads from the default Bao-Dur head so it will be possible to make new selectable Zabrak PC Heads... And also it would be possible to change Bao-Dur Body so he can wear robes without having his head misplaced on the robe model... It needs further test but i can't test this if i can't manage to make the testing head with the modified meshe...


So if anyone is interested and can help me replacing the meshes in the compiled and animated model i'll send him/her the files...


If anyone got time and is interested send me a PM...


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Originally posted by lord_yig

I have made more tests... without success...:mad:

I don't understand i must have missed something...


Have you tested to just import the model and then, without changing anything, just export it again directly and see if the problems still persist?


That way you would get an idea if it's your modifications that cause trouble or if there is a problem with using the replacer with those models in some way.

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Originally posted by stoffe -mkb- Have you tested to just import the model and then, without changing anything, just export it again directly and see if the problems still persist?

That way you would get an idea if it's your modifications that cause trouble or if there is a problem with using the replacer with those models in some way.

Good guess Stoffe-mkb- :eek:


I have tried to just import and then export the Bao-Dur's head model without making any modification. And the problem persist. There is a small face that is not drawn by the game engine making a hole in the model, just under the nose. That's the same problem with any of my tries after modifications...


So i guess there is a problem with the model as you have suggested or in the way i import and/or export the model...


Could anyone tries to modify Bao-Dur's Head model to check if the problem i'm experiencing came from the model itself or from elsewhere ?

Since i have made more tries to modify other models without any success i think this can't came from the model itself...


Since i'm experiencing problems with this replacer while others don't, IMHO i think it is time to explain everyone in the community how to use Taina Replacer properly in details with a tutorial...


And if this can help me to understand where is my mistake and why i can't seem to be able to modify any model with this replacer, that's fine and will be greatly appriciated. :)

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Well, I can tell you what works for me.


1.extract head from the game with KT and convert to ascii with mdlops.


2. Import the model into max, I then hit "h" to open the select mesh by name and only select the skinmesh that I want to edit. I then right click and choose "hide unselected". THis gives me a clear viewport to work in.


3. I edit the model until I'm satisfied and right click again to unhide everything, select the aurora base and export the ascii.mdl to a new folder.


4. I rename the exported mdl to mdlname-ascii_new.mdl(the nameing of the files is very important. Next I copy the original .mdl , .mdx and old-ascii.mdl into the same folder as my new ascii.mdl.


5. Start taina's replacer app and click "Open ASCII Models". Now I first select the old-ascii.mdl and then the newmodel-ascii_new.mdl. At this point I get an error "External exception EEFFACE"(this happends everytime I don't know why) So then I hit ok and click "Open ASCII Models" again. THis time the proper ascii will now be selected. SO all I do is hit open twice and it will load this time.


6.I uncheck all the mesh that I did not edit, If I edited the UVmaps of any of them I check those.


7. Now I'm ready to hit "start replacing",

a) Open the original model.mdl

b) next when it promps to save a new model, Click on the old mdl again except change the name to model_new.mdl and click save the mdl.

c)Click the "Start Replacing" button again and this time switch it to MDX in the "Save as type" drop down box.

d) Open the original model.mdx

e)when it promps to save a new model mdx, Click on the old mdx again except change the name to model_new.mdx and click save the mdx.

f) if you didn;t get any errors then your model should be ready to test. copy the model to Override and rename it to the same as the original model.


ANd finally load up the game and see how t=your edits went. I have used this method about a dozen times now and its always the same and the model works perfectly.


I will how ever when I get some time today load Bao-Dur's head and make some edits and see what happends. If your getting holes in the mesh you might be inadvertantly making them yourself.

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Originally posted by T7nowhere If your getting holes in the mesh you might be inadvertantly making them yourself. [/b]
Well i have made exactly the same as you have. I have followed every step and i still get the same error.


About inadvertantly erasing faces, i have checked all my gmax models and i do not have erased any face (i have kept nearly all my modifications on Bao-Dur's head in gmax file format). And it seems to me that it is very strange to edit the same model in various ways and to always get the same error and the same faces erased in game... No ????


I have just a question about the converting, import and export process :

Do i have to check any option in Mdlops, "extract animation" is checked by default but what of "convert skin to trimesh" ?

And while importing with NWMax : do you select import Geom+Anims or Geom only ?

When exporting from the aurora base do you export geo only or with animation ?

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Originally posted by lord_yig

I have just a question about the converting, import and export process :

Do i have to check any option in Mdlops, "extract animation" is checked by default but what of "convert skin to trimesh" ?

And while importing with NWMax : do you select import Geom+Anims or Geom only ?

When exporting from the aurora base do you export geo only or with animation ?


Don't extract animations, don't convert to TriMesh in MdlOps. Export only Geom when exporting from gmax.


At least that's how I do it and it has worked fine so far. :)

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I have finally managed to modify a model and to get it to work in game with your help... :)

It seems that i was not converting the ascii model the proper way with MDLops.

I always leave one of the two options boxes checked... But now it works and i'll never check those options again...


Thanks to all three of you, ChAiNz.2da, stoffe -mkb- and T7nowhere. Thanks for your patience and answers.


Here is a screenshot of what i have managed to do with Bao Dur's Head... There is a lot that can be done with this tool...


Bao Dur Head


Thanks Guys :thumbsup:

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