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Traces of M4-78


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Has anyone else seen this. When you are on Goto's ship and you find the droid codes, on the datapad it says


"This code will allow unrestricted access to the droid control system through the M4-78 Central Computer."


I think that Goto's ship was initially a building on M4-78. Anyways i just thought i should mention this.

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Interesting, and if you have T3 in your party, when you get to the droid control computer the conversation between you and T3 involves the Pc saying "it controls thousands of droids?", never understood that, or the fact that the droid control can be activated anywehre, the convo must be a script they forgot to remove I guess.

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Originally posted by Vigrid Ratatosk

Interesting, and if you have T3 in your party, when you get to the droid control computer the conversation between you and T3 involves the Pc saying "it controls thousands of droids?", never understood that, or the fact that the droid control can be activated anywehre, the convo must be a script they forgot to remove I guess.


Well, in theory Goto has thousands of droids at his command stationed around Nar Shaddaa. Perhapse the devs just left that bit in because it more or less fit with the quest.:confused:

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yeah i just replayed the game and noticed this i havent had T3 in my party tho. also does anybody know why i cant play the sounds outside of the game. when i click play it just stops:confused:


but ye ill have to warp back with T3 anybody know the warp line 2 go there

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Originally posted by oosshx

yeah i noticed that but ive never been to the droid planet:(


to go to the droid planet you have to enable cheats (which i assume you know how to) then in the game you press ~ and type "warp 801DRO" (without quotes) and press enter. you can visit the HK factory too by typing "warp 298TEL" but for that one you will need these modules

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because Goto is a droid, he sees himself as "higher then other sentinents". therefore there are thousands of Droids guarding, controling, and living on his ship.



thats what.


but the M4-78 comment in the ship is indeed an error because i beleve intentionally, we were supposed to get Goto's Ball of doom at the droid planet. because Goto arives in ur ship fast, and theres nothing to even show for it. the handmaiden had a little backstory.


EDIT: whoops i missed a spoiler!!

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Originally posted by Bobo

because Goto is a droid, he sees himself as "higher then other sentinents".

therefore there are thousands of Droids guarding, controling, and living on his ship.


thats what.


but the M4-78 comment in the ship is indeed an error because i beleve intentionally, we were supposed to get Goto's Ball of doom at the droid planet. because Goto arives in ur ship fast, and theres nothing to even show for it. the handmaiden had a little backstory.



I thought that Goto was a blue fishy lookin' dude??? and the orb droid he sends along was just another high end projection device/bomb?


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if you get deep into Goto's history with influence, Goto reveils to you that the hovering droid thats with you, is the real goto. and that the Hologram is just a fake humanoid visual for people to rely on so he can bark out orders through it. because people dont listen to a droid. which is true lol.

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Originally posted by Bobo


if you get deep into Goto's history with influence, Goto reveils to you that the hovering droid thats with you, is the real goto. and that the Hologram is just a fake humanoid visual for people to rely on so he can bark out orders through it. because people dont listen to a droid. which is true lol.


That is so totally screwed up man. :confused::D I love it :D I so did not know that. You made my night by tellin' me that now tomorrow KSE jacks up his influence and I'll find out myself. Thanks man :D:D

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Originally posted by Bobo


if you get deep into Goto's history with influence, Goto reveils to you that the hovering droid thats with you, is the real goto. and that the Hologram is just a fake humanoid visual for people to rely on so he can bark out orders through it. because people dont listen to a droid. which is true lol.

Hey Bobo, spoiler much? :(


Not everyone who visits here has finsished the game.

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Originally posted by Rekoil

to go to the droid planet you have to enable cheats (which i assume you know how to) then in the game you press ~ and type "warp 801DRO" (without quotes) and press enter. you can visit the HK factory too by typing "warp 298TEL" but for that one you will need these modules


i explored the HK factory, and boy it was fun. its almost complete, it wouldnt take much to finish it. :)

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Originally posted by Bobo

i explored the HK factory, and boy it was fun. its almost complete, it wouldnt take much to finish it. :)


i agreee totally. all you have to do really is remove the gameplay programmer tags and lock the doors to the droid factory and fix the overload terminal option and make sure you cant get down there without being HK


Edit: oh yeah and i think that HK should get some upgrades by downloading the higher class behaviour cores and an option wether he lets the factory stay or get destroyed.


Edit2: it wouldnt take much for them to finish it becouse they have the other modules and movie clips, but for us modders it would be harder becouse we have to make these rather than just including them

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I actually suspected that when I very first got G0-T0. I wondered exactly how one could communicate with Goto so quickly just by talking to a drone, he would need to be on call for meaningless conversation with you 24/7, and he's GOT to be in some sort of business meeting at some point or SOMETHING. I never bothered getting enough influence with him to pry the info out of him but I sort of knew all along, thanks for saving me some time!

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Originally posted by Glamador

I never bothered getting enough influence with him to pry the info out of him but I sort of knew all along, thanks for saving me some time!


why not just use the mind probe or the 100% influence mod ?

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Originally posted by Rekoil

will you guys stop going on about the tags. its no big deal anyways :p :p

A spoiler is a spoiler and a spoiler without tags is disrespectful and against most forum rules.


And on a side note, I don't see anyone arguing about anything in this thread.

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Rekoil said

will you guys stop going on about the tags. its no big deal anyways

No you are wrong about that. As Achilles says, it is in the forum rules.


And I for one did not know that (for sure) until just now. And I had just finished Goto's ship... so thanks a lot everyone.


I've added a bunch of spoiler tags to this thread ... remember if you quote someone else's spoiler, you are spoiling too.


This thread has been moved from Holowan Labs to Telos Tourist Bureau.

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