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A new GF for the psp


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Great, we have a fanboy.



*rolls eyes*


I think they were being sarcastic.


My experience with handhelds is that it does get irratating when you're at an important scene in the game and you're in a crowded area and you can't hear anything.


Still, it would be neat to have it on handheld so you can take it outside or to some nice quiet area, or work on that really hard puzzle for another three minutes.

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GF is not meant to be played in bus.


I 100% agree to this.


There would be sub-titles. And plus, you have earphones so tht would help.


And I do not think Oitso meant that it wasn't created to be played at buses simply due to the audio.

I took this game (and still do) as I would take great movies like "Stalker". These sort of games/movies/books/etc. were created (at least in my opinion) to be meditative; i.e., they were not made just to be played/watched/etc. quickly and finished, but rather to be played/watched/etc. with time and dedication. GF is not a game created to be finished, but rather to enjoy its content, and reflect on it; take some moral out of it.


Now, if what it takes for such great creations to be popular is to be passed into portable things and other stuff whcih would only make us play/watch/etc. the game/movie/etc. to finish it; then I'd rather be the only one who plays it.

Oh, and (I need to finish this with one of my many egocentrical remarks) if games like this are adopted by the masses who constantly buy things simply because they are popular, then the whole concept of this game will be ruined, and it would be nothing but another GTA or the like. On a selfish side, I'm glad this game never became popular, or it would have been ruined for me; but I feel sorry for LucasArts & Mr. Shaffer (is it spelled like this?).



Note: I mean no disrespect to anyone who posted here before, and I do not want the purpose of this topic to be lost. That is why I'll try to stay out of this thread in the future.

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Oh, and (I need to finish this with one of my many egocentrical remarks) if games like this are adopted by the masses who constantly buy things simply because they are popular, then the whole concept of this game will be ruined, and it would be nothing but another GTA or the like. On a selfish side, I'm glad this game never became popular, or it would have been ruined for me; but I feel sorry for LucasArts & Mr. Shaffer (is it spelled like this?).


Now this is something I never understood. Why is it such a problem if something you like is popular? I'm not trying to start a useless argument, but not too long ago I met a person who said that "normal people" are not allowed to like anime because it would take the enjoyment from true fans.


I can't help it, but I grow irritated when people view things the way you do. I often get the feeling that they don't always like the game/movie/etc. itself, but the feeling that you get when you know you're a fan of something "underground".


No disrespect, of course. I'd be delighted if we could debate over this because the anime person was an illiterate fool who refused to have a real conversation.

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Now this is something I never understood. Why is it such a problem if something you like is popular? I'm not trying to start a useless argument, but not too long ago I met a person who said that "normal people" are not allowed to like anime because it would take the enjoyment from true fans.


I can't help it, but I grow irritated when people view things the way you do. I often get the feeling that they don't always like the game/movie/etc. itself, but the feeling that you get when you know you're a fan of something "underground".


No disrespect, of course. I'd be delighted if we could debate over this because the anime person was an illiterate fool who refused to have a real conversation.


Well the thing that bothers me about games becoming popular is when they regurgitate the same things over and over again because they know people will buy into it.


However the take is that "Things are ruined because they are not underground." Makes no sense.


Sure, I do like to be selfish sometimes and think of myself as one of the few privelaged but to actually consider the game worse from it never crosses my mind. I mean just look at Star Wars. A lot of people like it and it didn't get ruined because people like it.

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Well the thing that bothers me about games becoming popular is when they regurgitate the same things over and over again because they know people will buy into it.


That's actually true. Who knows how many cheap GF copies we would be playing today if it had sold better. It would be an experience.


And if GF had been really successful Schafer might still be making adventure games.


But while I disagree with El Virus, I can understand where he is coming from. I used to feel that way about anime when I was younger because back then it was really underground in my country. Then I got a reality check and realised that more popularity -- > more released shows, more new friends and cheaper prices.

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Alright, lets go in order.

Fuzzy Penguin, sorry about that mistake. Yet, the rest of the post still stands.

Also, it was Schaffer


No disrespect, of course. I'd be delighted if we could debate over this because the anime person was an illiterate fool who refused to have a real conversation.


I'd be glad if we could discuss this, as well.

For a starter, i feel the same way about those who just like things because they are popular. I find that to be a sign of lack of personality & complete conformism (no disrespect to anyone [except my companions]); however, I'm well aware that not liking things for their popularity is simply stupid.

For instance, a looooong time ago, (back when I had not been introduced to Swing), I fell in love with a certain music group. The group was just starting, and I was one of the only ones around my country who listened to it. Later on, they released another record, which made them be extremely popular with these people. My interest had a sudden decline; and I was not happy with iy, but there was seldom I could do to change that. Now when people ask me why I don't like them anymore, all I can say is 'They are too popular, I guess...' And I hate myself for it.



[Continues below (I can't post for some reason a long message)]

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[Continued from above]


I reckon It's a way to attract attention; subconciously, though.

What your 'friend' said has got a (really tiny) part which I agree with; because even though I believe everyone is allowed to like anything they want (first of all, what the concept of 'Normal' is, depends solely to the person; I myself believe that there is nothing which deserves to be called normal.), but usually when things become popular, people exploit it, they start franchises with their name, they release products, they talk about it everywhere, and this reaches the point that makes me believe that the movie/book/game/etc. is overrated. This is directly linked to the concept of the masses, and anyone who knows me well (a really small amount of people), can tell you that I feel a terrible dislike towards the 'masses' (despite the fact that I'm part of them).

About anime, I do not like it, simply because I do not like their style; however I have got to be a huge fan of Cowboy Bebop.

And finally, about GF, if this game becomes popular today, I would be neutral, for I know that I was a 'pioneer' in that aspect.


Let's keep debating this, for it will be an inetersting topic, with a lot worth mentioning.


[some of this might sound offensive to someone, but it is not meant to be so. If it does, I apologise]

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Those are all valid points and I agree about that people who only like something because of its popularity are annoying.


However, if something is really good, it's only natural that it becomes popular. I have a friend who says that bands whose fan base consists completely of "mass teenagers" suck, but I can't agree with her. If something is good, why should it remain obscure? Is it really so that only a small group of people are able to recognise the true art in something and everyone else is just a mindless copycat?


Oh, and if something sucks and still is popular... Perhaps the majority of people have a different taste, then. I, for example, loathe reality TV but all my friends watch it. Not because it's popular, but because they actually like it.

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I have a friend who says that bands whose fan base consists completely of "mass teenagers" suck

No, but bands whose songs are written only for "mass teenagers" do.


And, don't get me started on "Reality TV", I have a lot to criticize about it (for crying out loud, it is barely even real)...; but I guess we can agree there.

You have a good point on the "Mindless copycat" thing; if something is good, then I guess it has got the right to be popular, but not taken advantage.


It is true that popular things might be good or bad, and that they can be exploited or not; but I liking or not liking something just due to its popularity is plainly wrong.

A good example of popularity and the reaction to it, is on the world of cinema. Most of the people who go to the movies nowadays tend to watch American "flicks"; and only a small minority enjoy "Art Films" and "European Cinema". The first group tend to mock at the Artistic films, and the latter group at the shallowness of the action movies; all of this creates a climate of tension between these groups, which makes them hate their respective opposites.

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You're completely right about that movie part. I think that the majority of people only look for entertainment when they go to movies, and many American films offer that. That's why they are made in the first place. Then there the few are people who want to watch something that is different or raises thoughts and questions in them.


As someone who mostly belongs to the first group, I think that both motives are equal and shouldn't even be judged. After all, why does it matter why someone watches and enjoys a movie? However, just as you said, there is tension. My Art teacher is a perfect example of a movie geek. When Batman Begins came out he said it was just another mindless special effect flick and ranted about its bad sides. But when you give him some black and white French short film from the 20's he'll start drooling.


I have no idea why I'm writing all this since I agree with you. In my eyes it just comes down to that people have different tastes and there has always been and will always be a majority and minority. And I don't really care why someone likes something as long as they are having fun. This is starting to get less and less relevant, so I'll shut up.

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