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hey all

ive just completed all the main quest on all

worlds.i know i have to secure the fuel situation with the hutt and the guy at telos but it wont let me continue.the options did not come up in the dialog.i have found all the jedi but when i return to the jedi enclave.but the upper levels arnt accssible.Any hope would be appericated.

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Originally posted by x2p

hey all

ive just completed all the main quest on all

worlds.i know i have to secure the fuel situation with the hutt and the guy at telos but it wont let me continue.the options did not come up in the dialog.

This quest is bugged (at least it was before the patch came up). The readme for patch 1.0b says that the following problem has been corrected: " * Updates a journal entry for the "Fuel Sabotage" bonus mission on Telos" but I did not tried it.


i have found all the jedi but when i return to the jedi enclave.but the upper levels arnt accssible.Any hope would be appericated.

Are you sure you completed all the planets? Dantoine, Korriban, Dxun (Onderon) and Nar Shadaa? Did you spoke to Kreia

She is suposed to tell you to go to the enclave to meet the remaining Jedi masters.


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Did you do the whole thing at the end where you visit all of the planets and then you go back to Dxun and help the Mandalorians go into that Sith tomb and then go to Onderon to help Queen Talia or fight with General Vaklu? You gotta resolve that before you can go to Dantooine. If youve done that and cant move on then it might just be a bug and you might wanna go back to one of your savegames.



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