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Mandalorian Disintegrator

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If you wanna get it the legit way then just play the game for a while. I tend to get that weapon alot when I go rumage through the containers or find it on a dead body somewhere. Im sure itll pop up soon enough. I usually get that and alot of ion weapons and swords alot. Even though I dont usually use that junk once ive got my lightsaber. I mean why does a jedi need all that other high tech gizmos anyways when he just has his trusty lightsaber and can whip up some force storm at will? Theres nothin better for killin baddies than that.

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Originally posted by The Hidden One

You'll find it eventually. Go to the

Mandalorian Camp on the forest world (the name slipps me for some reason) and you may find it there in a shop.

I checked the files for that store and there is no guarantee you will get it there either: it's a random script and the blaster is not part of the "guaranteed" items.

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Originally posted by Darth333

I checked the files for that store and there is no guarantee you will get it there either: it's a random script and the blaster is not part of the "guaranteed" items.

Yeah, I've never seen the Disintegrator in Kex's shop. Besides, I believe the Micro-Pulse Blaster is the real brass ring. It's slightly more powerful than the MD IIRC.
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Originally posted by Achilles

Yeah, I've never seen the Disintegrator in Kex's shop. Besides, I believe the Micro-Pulse Blaster is the real brass ring. It's slightly more powerful than the MD IIRC.


The disintegrator is a disruptor though (unless I remember incorrectly), unlike the micropulse blaster, and more efficient against enemies with energy shields or other resistances.


Though by the time you get it that doesn't really matter since there are surprisingly few opponents in the later part of the game that use shields. (Seems like they forgot about shields after a few shield-intense areas on Telos to show off Bao-Dur's arm.)


And the micropulse blasters, when fully upgraded, are almost too powerful. :) When I gave Mira a pair of those she'd kill everything before my saber wielding characters had a chance to get close enough to attack. No fun, so I had to give her something less powerful instead. :)

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Correct on both counts: Disintegrators ignore personal sheilds and there are no personal sheilds later in the game (when you're likely to have one...or two :)).


Like most weapons (including the Sith Vibrosword, double bladed lightsabers, etc), both the micropulse blaster and the mandalorian disintegrator are entirely too powerful when fully upgraded. This is why I find mods that increase difficulty to be such a boon to gameplay. Without them the repetive one-hit-kills would be too much to bear.

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